#ban appeal

  1. B3ckman

    Ban Appeal - VDM

    Steam Name: buck Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from steamid.io): 76561198849261298 Your Character Name: Michael Woods Ban Length: 1 month Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): sil Ban Reason: Mass VDM Unban Reason: Considering I've never been given administrative...
  2. SavageDev

    My Appeal

    Steam Name: SavageDev Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from steamid.io): STEAM_0:1:180997799 Your Character Name: Tony Soprano Ban Length: Permanent Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Shimax ツ Ban Reason: Exploit Unban Reason: This incident occurred a long time...
  3. Bidon2772

    PermaBanned for no reason

    Steam Name: Maks1M@N Your SteamID32:76561198796637008 Your Character Name: Watler White Ban Length: Prema Banning Staff Member :HockeyExpert30 Ban Reason: "ALT account" Unban Reason: That is the main account that I have been playing on the server for a week and I have no other accounts except...
  4. logancastricone

    BAN Appeal

    Steam name Cas https://s.team/p/fhjq-nvth/FMDKBCCV ban reason leaving during death. i was being raided and when i got killed my game crashed and i am now banned for 24 hours
  5. FFintas

    FFintas ban appeal

    Steam Name: FFintas Your SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:27479214 Your Character Name: Gilbert Flint Ban Length: 1 month Banning Staff Member: @Melody Ban Reason: Leaving while handcuffed and alting attempt Unban Reason: I am still a new player of this server i started playing yesterday and i was...
  6. MilesTheSecond

    Ban Appeal

    Steam Name: MilesTheSecond Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from steamid.io): 76561198121177717 Your Character Name: Miles Hospin Ban Length: 3 Days Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): parkerx Ban Reason: Staff Diss Come back with a better attitude Unban Reason...
  7. Skojen

    Ban Appeal: John Hendricks.

    RP Name: John Hendricks. Steam Name: Skojenmeister. Steam ID: Steam_0:1:104945043. Ban Length: Permanent (It has been 15 minutes since this permanent ban was issued to me). Staff that gave this ban: Console (no staff gave this ban to me, it was the console). I got permanently banned for...
  8. bailando

    Ban Appeal

    Your Steam Name: bailando Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:193790464 Your Character Name: KimJunUn (Letters in name may vary as Capital or Lower Case but that is my in-game name) Ban Length: 1 month (But was extended to 2 months) Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): Tristan...