
  1. something

    Asarel Medet AD & VMZ Sopot EAD Bars and Weapons Shop

    Asarel Medet AD & VMZ Sopot EAD Asarel Medet specialises in extracting copper chucks and processing them, they've made a recent upgrade and now are procesing iron, steel, silver, gold and titanium aswell. It sell it's produce to already establised market prices for bars: 200$ per copper...
  2. Artourious

    Inoki Smelting Co.

    Hello and Welcome! The Prices for my bars are down below! Closed 4 Christmas. 32 Copper Bars 5,500 32 Iron Bar's 8,000 32 Gold Bar's 20,000 32 Silver Bar's 23,000 32 Steel Bar's 31,500 32 Titanium Bar's 28,800 Format Name...
  3. goldenslaya21


    Hi my name Joe Diamond and this is my post. I have been around the world and met many friends and associates and a main problem with people is they love the weapon selection and money making but hate the mining grind and constant bar making and crushing of ores to get there so I have...