
  1. Mr.Boon

    Refund Request, Farmers Life.

    In-Game Name: Tryrone Hank Steam Name: Farmers Life SteamID: STEAM_1:1:125118366 Date and time of loss: around 2:40 AM est What happened: A cop tazed me in jail and dragged me and i died to a glitch in the wall, then he destroyed my weapon for whatever reason. What do you need refunded...
  2. Rdblenk

    Refund Request

    In-Game Name: Rhylan Porlance Steam Name: Sharkezey SteamID64: STEAM_0:1:114303824 Date and time of loss: 12:35 What happened: A guy ran up and stole my tv while I was farming without RP What do you need refunded: Smart tv Evidence: Covent or logs
  3. Dethn0te

    Cant believe the stupidity Actually wrongfully banned

    Your Steam Name:dethn0te Your Steam ID: Your Character Name:John kingsman Ban Length: 3 days Banning Staff Member (@OTXKU ): Ban Reason: collecting crops from someone as a police officer even though I wasn't a cop I was raiding them and for...