@dk diamond

  1. msoundwave

    My refund

    In-Game Name: Brayden moen Steam Name:msoundwave SteamID:76561198006831836 Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): What happened: Cheater got banned after he raided me What do you need refunded: ACR-E (x1), Cocaine (x34), Gas Mask (x1), and Sulfuric Acid (x1) Evidence:@DKDiamond Read...
  2. Dimitri Solvak


    In-Game Name: Dimitri Solvak Steam Name:Dimitri SteamID:https://steamcommunity.com/id/DimitriRH_/ Date and time of loss (specify the time zone): 12:00AM Central What happened: My friend and I were curious about cargo ship because we had never done it before so I crafted 3 hardened tip drills...