
  1. “Tyrone”

    my appeal

    Steam Name: InSaNe TriCkShOts Your SteamID: 922823538 Your Character Name: Tyrone Tipp staff who banned you: Tuko Ban Length: 2 weeks and 3 days occurrence: 3 minutes ago reason: metagaming in PM unban reason: I'm really sorry about this I believe it's my first time getting a ban for this and...
  2. James Prance

    James's Refund Request

    In-Game Name: James Prance Steam Name: Russell8=D SteamID: 76561198978467029 Date and time of loss: 12/21/19 What happened: I was falsely code redded and the situation was voided by @Tuko What do you need refunded: 1 LR with eotech, a lockpick, and a kev with helmet Evidence:[/B...