unban me

  1. simoros3

    banned 3

    I just proppushing and a cop see me and arrested me anhad me in a cell until a moderator come in ad Misterlol comes in and he gaved me a blacklist from the gun for 4 weeks and after that i wanted på chill around and being a cop. But the officer that was seeing me proppushing me demoted me and...
  2. simoros3

    Banned 1

    So i was proppushing and a cop set me in jail until a mod/admin joined the server and when Misterlol joined he blacklisted me from it for 4 weeks? and after that i wanted to be a cop but the cop kicked me from it and misterlol says that he can remove it but it dosent work so i wanted to make a...
  3. simoros3


    So i was proppushing and a cop set me in jail until a mod/admin joined the server and when Misterlol joined he blacklisted me from it for 4 weeks? and after that i wanted to be a cop but the cop kicked me from it and misterlol says that he can remove it but it dosent work so i wanted to make a...
  4. simoros3


    So i was proppushing and a cop set me in jail until a mod/admin joined the server and when Misterlol joined he blacklisted me from it for 4 weeks? and after that i wanted to be a cop but the cop kicked me from it and misterlol says that he can remove it but it dosent work so i wanted to make a...
  5. Buttersvevo

    My name is Buttersvevo or jeff nan

    So I think I should get a ban appeal and have a nice time roleplaying with my friends it would be really cool