
  1. reckless

    chain mugging

    In-Game Name:Atakan Reklez Steam Name:recklessleeper SteamID:STEAM_0:0:146713272 Date and time of loss:4-5-2019 What happened:I asked someone for a ride to the lake my tires were popped and I had to get to the aliens quickly but then a group of guys came up who had already mugged someone and...
  2. reckless

    Atakan Coskun - Ban Appeal

    My Steam name:recklessleeper My steam id:https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198253692272/ My character name:Atakan Reklez Ban length:6 days Banning Staff:@wright Ban Reason:6 threads of rdm Unban reason: I was teaching my friend the game when suddenly this taxi driver tries to run me...
  3. CommanderPro

    Luke's Ban Appeal

    Your Steam Name: Pookster Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:74249139 w Your Character Name: Luke St. Germain Ban Length: 1 weeks Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Wright Ban Reason: Fail RP, and Mass RDM Unban Reason: I killed the cops after they killed my friend Brandon...