Your Steam Name: lan cool guy
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:173666525
Your Character Name (If Applicable): jordan vercetti
Admin being reported @Arroyo
Reason for Report: spawning in an rpg and killing/damaging more then 5 people in bank, missuse of forum powers. Way too quick to assume rule breaks instead of actually using his powers to make sure a rule is being broken.
Time of Occurrence:
Evidence to support your claim: - RPG incident,
Him giving me a violation and point for replying to a report ON ME.
Additional members involved/witnessing:
Read, understood and followed staff report rules?: yes
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:173666525
Your Character Name (If Applicable): jordan vercetti
Admin being reported @Arroyo
Reason for Report: spawning in an rpg and killing/damaging more then 5 people in bank, missuse of forum powers. Way too quick to assume rule breaks instead of actually using his powers to make sure a rule is being broken.
Time of Occurrence:
Evidence to support your claim: - RPG incident,
Additional members involved/witnessing:
Read, understood and followed staff report rules?: yes