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Monolith Grinder
Apr 2, 2019


Years of Mono

Your Steam Name: Hazer
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:461832765
Your Character Name: Greyson Casey

Which Staff blacklisted you: @Austin Hunter
What were you blacklisted from: Voice

Blacklist Length: 2weeks
Blacklist Reason: Micspam
Unblacklist Reason: The other firemen and I were fooling around waiting for a call to be dispatched. You brought me somewhere and told me to stop mic spamming. I agreed to stop and you put me back down. One of the other Fireman was breathing through his mic while I was speaking, and you thought that was me. I know to obey staff when they tell me to do something. I wouldn't go back to doing something if I was asked not to by staff. I tried to get proof, but none of the other firemen had some. I wasn't hard breathing in the mic. I think that because we were both talking at once, you thought that it was me mic spamming the second time.

Time of Occurrence: Yesterday
Additional members involved/witnessing: @ExtraReuben
Read, understood and followed blacklist appeal rules?: yes

Deleted member 10747

In talking to you in-game I made it explicitly clear not to abuse voice chat. I stated that if you do so it will result in a blacklist. I am willing to work with you on this slightly as you were not the only one who was voice spamming. I will lower the blacklist down to one week, ending 6 days from the time of this post. At this point with how long you have played on the server, you should know the rules, as such, I will not be removing the blacklist but will lower it in hopes that this will give you enough time to think about the rules and read them. Since the voice blacklist, I have noticed you RPing much more on the server and have not seen you on the wrong side of any reports so props on that note the blacklist has been reduced.

In short:
Appeal Somewhat accepted- Reduced to 6 days left
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