Steam Name: Claws
Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from [U:1:107117241]
Your Character Name: Gave Albert
Ban Length: 24 Hours
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): Automated...
Ban Reason: I jumped off the drawbridge while messing around with my girlfriend and then disconnected because we were both going to stop playing for a little while. Didn't even realize or think about the auto ban for disconnecting while dead because there was no one around to rp it and I disconnected quickly, so I didn't realize the automated ban warning.
Unban Reason: Didn't affect anyone else's rp and truly wouldn't have disconnected if I had realized it was not allowed. Joined the server a few days ago for the first time and have been really enjoying playing. Bought premium and have been grinding job/skill progress. Would hate to have a ban on record when I plan to stick around for a long time.
Time of Occurrence: (05/07/2021 @ 04:05 BST)
Additional members involved/witnessing: Belle Mae (Girlfriend's in game name)
Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from [U:1:107117241]
Your Character Name: Gave Albert
Ban Length: 24 Hours
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): Automated...
Ban Reason: I jumped off the drawbridge while messing around with my girlfriend and then disconnected because we were both going to stop playing for a little while. Didn't even realize or think about the auto ban for disconnecting while dead because there was no one around to rp it and I disconnected quickly, so I didn't realize the automated ban warning.
Unban Reason: Didn't affect anyone else's rp and truly wouldn't have disconnected if I had realized it was not allowed. Joined the server a few days ago for the first time and have been really enjoying playing. Bought premium and have been grinding job/skill progress. Would hate to have a ban on record when I plan to stick around for a long time.
Time of Occurrence: (05/07/2021 @ 04:05 BST)
Additional members involved/witnessing: Belle Mae (Girlfriend's in game name)