Steam Name: Kurt
Your SteamID32: 76561198222970964
Your Character Name: James Harden
Ban Length: 3-4 weeks
Banning Staff Member: @Thegamingshain
Ban Reason: Mass prop push
Unban Reason: So i just want to clarify the reason that i should be unbanned or have my ban length reduced significantly: It was a bit late at night and yes there were no staff on, so i saw others prop pushing and i decided to join in, i thought it would be fun, but however i realized that i shouldn't be doing this since this is breaking the rules and it hurts others experience. And after this ban i pledge to stop doing this for good. This is my first time getting banned, but i promise to change my ways, and i am sorry for what i have done to other's people experience and i hope many others stop this too. I enjoy monolith however this is a crucial mistake on my part, and i take full responsibility however i will stop this from now on. Thank you.
Time of Occurrence: Do not remember the exact date but possibly a week ago or so.
Additional members involved/witnessing: Not that i remember
Read, understood and followed ban appeal rules?: Yes
Your SteamID32: 76561198222970964
Your Character Name: James Harden
Ban Length: 3-4 weeks
Banning Staff Member: @Thegamingshain
Ban Reason: Mass prop push
Unban Reason: So i just want to clarify the reason that i should be unbanned or have my ban length reduced significantly: It was a bit late at night and yes there were no staff on, so i saw others prop pushing and i decided to join in, i thought it would be fun, but however i realized that i shouldn't be doing this since this is breaking the rules and it hurts others experience. And after this ban i pledge to stop doing this for good. This is my first time getting banned, but i promise to change my ways, and i am sorry for what i have done to other's people experience and i hope many others stop this too. I enjoy monolith however this is a crucial mistake on my part, and i take full responsibility however i will stop this from now on. Thank you.
Time of Occurrence: Do not remember the exact date but possibly a week ago or so.
Additional members involved/witnessing: Not that i remember
Read, understood and followed ban appeal rules?: Yes