Steam Name: Jimmy Valentine
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:63180374
Your Character Name: Jimmy Valentine
Ban Length: 1 day
Banning Staff Member: @Shimax ツ
Ban Reason: Leaving during rp situation
Unban Reason: I left cause before I was getting arrested I was getting spammed with $4,500 tickets from the cops that I killed during my raid. They knew I was going afk for prison time so they wanted to get back at me financially. I don't need proof as I know that the admin that banned me knew what was happening yet allowed it since he was so quick to punish me, he heard what I said and knew I was reconnecting but people just love being petty in a game.
Time of Occurrence: 12:00 PM california time
Additional members involved/witnessing: no one is gonna object what I say they know it's facts.
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:63180374
Your Character Name: Jimmy Valentine
Ban Length: 1 day
Banning Staff Member: @Shimax ツ
Ban Reason: Leaving during rp situation
Unban Reason: I left cause before I was getting arrested I was getting spammed with $4,500 tickets from the cops that I killed during my raid. They knew I was going afk for prison time so they wanted to get back at me financially. I don't need proof as I know that the admin that banned me knew what was happening yet allowed it since he was so quick to punish me, he heard what I said and knew I was reconnecting but people just love being petty in a game.
Time of Occurrence: 12:00 PM california time
Additional members involved/witnessing: no one is gonna object what I say they know it's facts.