Your Steam Name: its ya boi troy
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:146317959
Your Character Name: Danny Tant
Ban Length: 1 day
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): Larry gibbons
Ban Reason: Fail Rp, RDM
Time of Occurrence: 2:30 pm pst
Relevant Evidence: none
Additional members involved/witnessing:none
What happened was someone tried mugging me next a npc I said there's a npc you can't mug and the two guys turned the corner. I saw them turn the corner and it looked like they were gonna just wait there and mug me as soon as I got away from the npc. So I shot him and we got into a gun leading to me killing one and leaving. Wether it was rdm or not I had no recent warnings or bans. I feel it should be a warning at least. About a week ago I called RDM on someone and all they got was a warning...
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:146317959
Your Character Name: Danny Tant
Ban Length: 1 day
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): Larry gibbons
Ban Reason: Fail Rp, RDM
Time of Occurrence: 2:30 pm pst
Relevant Evidence: none
Additional members involved/witnessing:none
What happened was someone tried mugging me next a npc I said there's a npc you can't mug and the two guys turned the corner. I saw them turn the corner and it looked like they were gonna just wait there and mug me as soon as I got away from the npc. So I shot him and we got into a gun leading to me killing one and leaving. Wether it was rdm or not I had no recent warnings or bans. I feel it should be a warning at least. About a week ago I called RDM on someone and all they got was a warning...