Steam Name: Atrax
Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from 229624195
Your Character Name: Angello Washington
Ban Length: Automatic ban
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member):
Ban Reason: Logging with cuffs on.
Unban Reason: Cop who cuffed me was horribly Roleplaying arresting me and my friends for no reason given so I angrily logged.
Time of Occurrence: 1pm
Additional members involved/witnessing: Kevin Snow Valentine Snow (Lil beanie) (Yo momma)
I know this is vague but the cops on your server are out of control arresting and beating people left and right
I used to play monolith along time ago when everything was super fun and realistic but when it comes to now honestly its pretty rough since no one wants to RP seriously I'm sorry for logging again but it was really frustrating when they taze you out of a car for no given reason. I would love to chat to give further detail but until then I hope this helps.
Your SteamID32(You can obtain this from 229624195
Your Character Name: Angello Washington
Ban Length: Automatic ban
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member):
Ban Reason: Logging with cuffs on.
Unban Reason: Cop who cuffed me was horribly Roleplaying arresting me and my friends for no reason given so I angrily logged.
Time of Occurrence: 1pm
Additional members involved/witnessing: Kevin Snow Valentine Snow (Lil beanie) (Yo momma)
I know this is vague but the cops on your server are out of control arresting and beating people left and right
I used to play monolith along time ago when everything was super fun and realistic but when it comes to now honestly its pretty rough since no one wants to RP seriously I'm sorry for logging again but it was really frustrating when they taze you out of a car for no given reason. I would love to chat to give further detail but until then I hope this helps.