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Farmer Joe

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Feb 20, 2018


Years of Mono

Your Steam Name: Farmer Joe
Your Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:48127947
Your Character Name: Joseph Moree

Ban Length: 3 days
Banning Staff Member : @Hisoka

Ban Reason: So id like to start out by saying that this is my first time ever doing anything wrong I have absolutely 0 priors and I got banned for 3 days for something that wasnt even intended on my part now ill go on to explain the whole situtation, I carried out a raid with my org on richard 10, 21 minutes later i tried kidnapping somebody outside of club catalyst they broke fear rp and ran inside there house and I chased to try and shoot him in the back i die to one of his mates, 2 minutes later im pulled to a sit and banned for 3 days I thought I was getting pranked when he told me I was getting banned let alone for 3 days at first he asked me how long ive been playing on the server I told him 2 weeks and I havent done anything wrong then he says disreguard everything that I just said im gonna have to ban you I guess he then confirms with a senior admin that I should be banned for 3 days for kidnapping someone that broke fear rp and ran into there house it was not an intended raid or a raid for that matter but I was told it was cause I stepped 1 foot on his property. I feel like I was kinda targeted because the moderator had his org member who wasn't involved in the situation at all up there giving me shit because he has ill will towards me for INC reasons., TLDR Yes I raided 21 minutes before I tried to kidnap someone that broke fear RP running into his base it's my first offense ever now I'm banned for 3 days not warning not a kick.
Time of Occurrence: 8:00 pm EST
Relevant Evidence: I have no evidence that the guy broke fear rp the admin said if i did i wouldnt be banned still dont understand why im banned for this small of a offense not only that a first time offense.
Additional members involved/witnessing: Wobbie.
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Aug 1, 2017


Years of Mono

First off, If you think I was biased in anyway during the sit, I would gladly ask you to Make a staff report on me. I teleported to a report about someone breaking raid timer. I was there with a member of Unsanctioned and BBC, after talking with them I made sure you were the guy that broke raid timer. I then teleported to you asking if you were free for the sit and you replied saying " yes ". I brought you there and explained how you broke the raid timer by entering their building with a gun and getting killed from the person's friend inside the base because you tried to kidnap the dude that supposedly broke " Fearrp ". Twenty-one minutes before this, you raided Suburbs 10 and died. I asked for evidence of the person breaking Fearrp and you responded with " no ", unfortunately this would've helped you out a bit cause it technically would've negated you from breaking raid timer. Like I said ingame, if I Mass RDM'ed and was new to the server I would still be banned for quite a while. If I was a member for about a month or two, I would still get banned for quite a while for Mass RDMing. It really doesn't matter that you have only played for 2 weeks, because you should've read the rules when you first joined or when first doing a raid or something like that.

Farmer Joe

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Event Team
Recruitment Team
Feb 20, 2018


Years of Mono

First off, If you think I was biased in anyway during the sit, I would gladly ask you to Make a staff report on me. I teleported to a report about someone breaking raid timer. I was there with a member of Unsanctioned and BBC, after talking with them I made sure you were the guy that broke raid timer. I then teleported to you asking if you were free for the sit and you replied saying " yes ". I brought you there and explained how you broke the raid timer by entering their building with a gun and getting killed from the person's friend inside the base because you tried to kidnap the dude that supposedly broke " Fearrp ". Twenty-one minutes before this, you raided Suburbs 10 and died. I asked for evidence of the person breaking Fearrp and you responded with " no ", unfortunately this would've helped you out a bit cause it technically would've negated you from breaking raid timer. Like I said ingame, if I Mass RDM'ed and was new to the server I would still be banned for quite a while. If I was a member for about a month or two, I would still get banned for quite a while for Mass RDMing. It really doesn't matter that you have only played for 2 weeks, because you should've read the rules when you first joined or when first doing a raid or something like that.
I've read the rules I never one time said I didn't know of the rule I simply said a player by the name of John Dears ran away with a gun to his head which leads to me chasing him it wasn't an intended raid, I even told you yes i see where was "technically wrong" But banned for 3 days for something that I didn't even intend on doing and you are comparing it to mass rdming or using it as an example I still don't understand.


Aug 1, 2017


Years of Mono

I'm saying that it doesn't matter that you've been on the server for 2 weeks. A rule break is a rule break

Farmer Joe

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Event Team
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Feb 20, 2018


Years of Mono

I'm saying that it doesn't matter that you've been on the server for 2 weeks. A rule break is a rule break
I would also like to mention that we didn't even get the " John daers" Person side of the story to even asked him if he broke fearRP or not i was just slapped with a ban. And yea like i said i understand that i should maybe be punished but i don't see how you don't see a 3 day ban being quite harsh for a situation like this.
I don't know if it would show in logs but i initialy made a report asoon as he broke fear rp shortly canceling it after I realized i wouldn't have any proof and would be wasting my time.
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Monolith Rookie
Nov 5, 2017


Years of Mono

I am John Daers in game this is my side of the story. After finishing an LSD run I noticed a group a sketchy people across the street. I began to cross the street to sell when I noticed the group begin to walk towards me. I immediately began to turn around and run directly for my house (club catalyst) I was not able to lock the door however I managed to close them and lunge to my gangs safety. At the point of jumping down the stairs, I did here "Put your hands up" however i was already in my gangs safety and had my gun out so I didn't pay mind to it, nobody is stupid enough to raid Unsanctioned at Club Catalyst with only a makarov and 3 people. I was not informed of an admin sit taking place because I was busy making my gang roster not knowing I was still in game. Had I been in game I would have told the admin that Joseph does not deserve to be banned.

Farmer Joe

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Event Team
Recruitment Team
Feb 20, 2018


Years of Mono

I am John Daers in game this is my side of the story. After finishing an LSD run I noticed a group a sketchy people across the street. I began to cross the street to sell when I noticed the group begin to walk towards me. I immediately began to turn around and run directly for my house (club catalyst) I was not able to lock the door however I managed to close them and lunge to my gangs safety. At the point of jumping down the stairs, I did here "Put your hands up" however i was already in my gangs safety and had my gun out so I didn't pay mind to it, nobody is stupid enough to raid Unsanctioned at Club Catalyst with only a makarov and 3 people. I was not informed of an admin sit taking place because I was busy making my gang roster not knowing I was still in game. Had I been in game I would have told the admin that Joseph does not deserve to be banned.

Yea like I said I don't think you would have came to the verdict of banning me if you got everyone's side of the story which you now have hope you can reconsider this thanks for taking your time to read this. @Hisoka
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