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Al límite

Monolith Senior
Jul 30, 2019


Years of Mono

Tyler park

1 week and 5 days
Excessive Homophobia and erp
I legit was playing rainbow six siege than when I come onto gmod to play some monolith I see I'm banned. I check it out and I'm banned for 1 week and 5 days idk what ERP i did other than maybe /me hugs a person or /me smooches as a joke but I don't see how that's ERP. also about the homophobia idk whom i said this too all I recall is joking around with my org mates about them being gay or fag. and were all friends so Idk also in RP i may have called someone a fag for being annoying a few times but its RP i do that IRL. also I have seen plenty people say stuff like that and not get in any trouble I never used homophobic words in OOC or against anyone on purpose in a harsh way just roleplaying. especially because the only people I have been talking to all morning when I hopped on are my org mates and maybe credence universe like once but IDK what saying stuff in RP is like trash talking.
We do not tolerate derogatory slurs towards any group of people, such as racism, homophobia etc., within the community - especially Out-Of-Character. Your in-game character may be offensive to a certain degree HOWEVER, once players feel uncomfortable you have to stop immediately. Be observant and considerate. Things like the N-word and other ethnic slurs are never acceptable - neither Out-Of-Character nor In-Character. This states that I can be say words to play IC Though at a certin point if a player asks me to stop i shall stop now no body told me to stop they dident mind it. And for all i can remember I dont think i have ever used gay or fag in OOC so i dont see what is so wrong what i did.
ERP - Erotic Roleplay - Any role-playing activity performed mostly, or exclusively, for the purpose of sexual behavior. I dont think hugging/ smooches is INTENT to sexual behaviour.

2hours ago

yes i have read and understood appeal rules
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Monolith Expert
Apr 11, 2019


Years of Mono

Your ERP part of the ban will be removed because I read one of the logs wrong.

The homophobic slurs part of the ban will remain due to this:

3/18/2020 @ 10:52:47 PMTyler Park ([BOI]Thickboots) (STEAM_0:1:456070217) (163) sent an iMessage to: 'Greyson Casey (Hazer) (STEAM_0:1:461832765) (259)' saying: 'CASINO FUCKING HURRY FAGGOT 'Communication3/18/2020 @ 10:52:38 PMTyler Park ([BOI]Thickboots) (STEAM_0:1:456070217) (163) sent an iMessage to: 'Greyson Casey (Hazer) (STEAM_0:1:461832765) (259)' saying: 'DO IT IM AT CASINO FAGGOT IM WAITING FOR U BITCH HURRY THE FUCK UP 'Communication3/18/2020 @ 10:48:19 PMTyler Park ([BOI]Thickboots) (STEAM_0:1:456070217) (163) sent an iMessage to: 'Greyson Casey (Hazer) (STEAM_0:1:461832765) (259)' saying: 'FUCKING FAGGOT GET TO FUCKING CASINO BITCH I WILL FUCKING SLAP YO CHECKS RN IF YOU HEAD TO CASINO FUCK URE m4 I WILL m1911 FRAG YOU CUNT HURRY THE FUCK UP 'Communication3/18/2020 @ 10:46:15 PMTyler Park ([BOI]Thickboots) (STEAM_0:1:456070217) (163) sent an iMessage to: 'Greyson Casey (Hazer) (STEAM_0:1:461832765) (259)' saying: 'YO FUCK FACE COME TO CASINO MOTHER FUCKER I WILL FUCK U UP PUSSY STOP FUCKING WAITING TO DEPO FAGGOT 'Communication3/12/2020 @ 9:23:56 PMTyler Park ([BOI]Thickboots) (STEAM_0:1:456070217) (163) ran chat command: "/org" - "see you soon faggot arresting me"Communication3/12/2020 @ 9:23:37 PMTyler Park ([BOI]Thickboots) (STEAM_0:1:456070217) (163) ran chat command: "/org" - "one faggot and 1 head ass chief"Communication3/12/2020 @ 9:22:45 PMTyler Park ([BOI]Thickboots) (STEAM_0:1:456070217) (163) ran chat command: "/org" - "i got a faggot pulling me over"Communication3/10/2020 @ 11:02:09 PMTyler Park ([BOI]Thickboots) (STEAM_0:1:456070217) (163): this faggot warden is courrpt ASS BITCH CUNT PUSSY REJECTING LOOSERCommunication3/9/2020 @ 9:01:15 PMTyler Park ([BOI]Thickboots) (STEAM_0:1:456070217) (163): what a faggot cant take a fight gotta arrest me LOOOOOSERCommunication3/8/2020 @ 8:05:04 PMTyler Park ([BOI]Thickboots) (STEAM_0:1:456070217) (163) ran chat command: "/yell" - "tyler park for mayor fuck the faggot steve"Communication3/8/2020 @ 8:03:03 PMTyler Park ([BOI]Thickboots) (STEAM_0:1:456070217) (163) ran chat command: "/ad" - "vote tyler park as mayor im not a faggot hurry im not couurpt do it 0% taxes"Communication3/7/2020 @ 4:50:17 PMTyler Park ([BOI]Thickboots) (STEAM_0:1:456070217) (163): dont listen to this cop hese a faggotCommunication2/26/2020 @ 3:34:17 AMNik Melander (Mas) (STEAM_0:0:17955676) (080) sent an iMessage to: 'Tyler Park ([BOI]Thickboots) (STEAM_0:1:456070217) (163)' saying: 'hey faggot 'Communication1/16/2020 @ 7:24:46 PMTyler Park ([BOI]Thickboots) (STEAM_0:1:456070217) (163) ran ServerGuard command "pm" "felixxxsy this dumb ass cop i shot and he ran into the stupid fucking window romm and wall banged me like a faggot"Commands1/12/2020 @ 9:57:47 AMTyler Park ([BOI]Thickboots) (STEAM_0:1:456070217) (163) ran chat command: "/yell" - "woah uses prem to lock car wha t a faggot"Communication

Your ban will be reduced to a week from today. No more appeals, during this week time frame, will be accepted.
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