
Monolith Newcomer
Apr 9, 2021


Years of Mono

Steam Name: Skooma

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:419580387

Your Character Name: Alex Veria/Tommy Monster

Which punishment are you appealing? Ban Appeal

Punishment Length: Permanent

Involved Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Marwan

Why should we remove your punishment?: I am writing to appeal the ban that was placed on my account for alleged hacking. I would like to emphasize that I have not engaged in any form of hacking or unfair gameplay practices, at least not in this game. I understand the severity of such accusations and would like to take this opportunity to explain my innocence and request an unban.

First and foremost, I am a dedicated player who has played for almost 6 years, on and off, and values fair gameplay. I have mostly adhered to the server rules and regulations for my time playing, aside from some minor rule-breaking. It is disheartening to be accused of cheating, which I have never been accused of in my 6 years of playing, except for this recent ban. I suspect that there may have been a misunderstanding or misinterpretation of my actions that led to the ban.

This ban occurred many months ago, and I believe it was a misunderstanding. I was unexpectedly banned by Marwan for cheating after going AFK. At that time, I was already planning on taking a break from the server, and some players I knew were also banned for "cheating" and never appealed, so I just let it be. I have invested a lot of time and money into the server and wish to be given another chance to join back.

Time of Occurrence: Unsure, almost a year ago to my knowledge?

Additional members involved/witnessing: None

Do you have any evidence to support your case? I've played for 6+ years 0 accusations of cheating,aswell as no cheating software on my computer for Garry's mod.