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Digby IV

Monolith Rookie
Dec 19, 2017


Years of Mono

Steam Name: Harry Chung

SteamID: 76561198201276295

Your Character Name: Harvey Monster

Which punishment are you appealing? Ban Appeal

Punishment Length: 1 Week

Involved Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): Dezi

Why should we remove your punishment?: So yes I targeted this player that ive had many interactions with before when playing police where he minges and abuses his power as sheriff. I targeted him because he gets on cop, starts arguing on the radio then demotes anyone he doesnt like. He has done this multiple times to other people and is even known by admins such as Franklin (@Darkzy ) who admins in the server and has delt with reports on him in-game.

The issue I have with this ban is the RDA, NITRP, and FailRP. First off I did not RDA anyone I detained a suspect I believed to have a weapon on him, and another officer took him away and proccessed him in the jail.

Secondly the NITRP is just plainly false and a radical assumption. I love playing on this server. I have been in this server since 2017 and have a large amount of hours on Monolith of civ and cop roleplay. I enjoy roleplaying with the few people left in the community even if it feels like a ghost town at times. However in this low pop state when a minge player that abuses his power as sheriff and demotes people he doesnt like and is passive aggressive and starts fights to try give him a reason to demote. Its mingey and annoying and thats why I targeted him because at the time there was no in-game admin on and all the police that was on at the time has dealt with him in the past abusing his cop tablet.

Also I did not FailRP because I correctly apprehended the suspect after I believed he had a weapon on him based on hearing a gun equipping sound. I had my taser out and requested him to put his hands up so that I could search him and investigate. He continued to walk away so he was tasered, cuffed, and searched. I found an 'm4 exotic weapon skin cardboard box' and said thats what I could see. The other officer that was in the video at the time confused this as him having a gun on him and says to me "Ill take it from here" and so I let him take the suspect and he arrested him. You can hear in the video the suspect talking to the other officer saying "This is going to be a good report" "You really want to get banned don't you". This is breaking RP, but it also shows the beef this guy has with other officers and I imagine thats why he processed even tho he knew he didnt actually have a weapon.

Additionally I was very dissappointed and felt disrespected by the admin that dealt with the player report Dezi. I reached out to him on discord to try and explain this guy is a known cop abuser thats why I targeted him, and I tried to explain everything ive said above. That I did not RDA, FailRP, or have NIRTP. Dezi responds very defensively and calls me a liar, he says I shouldnt take rule breakers into my own hands, which I understand, but then says I should have stopped the other cop breaking the rules and arresting the minge for the gun he didnt have on him?? after trying to reason with him he ends by saying "lmfao bye".

So why am i being excessively banned for 1 week with added things I didnt do (RDA, NITRP, FAILRP). Why when I make an in-game report of this guy random demoting people does he simply get a warning point, or when he does it and there is no admin on then I just have to sit out for 30 mins? Why don't other cops stop him from breaking these rules like Dezi said I should have, why arent they getting bans? He was jaild for what 6 mins and I get a week ban when I didnt even jail him?

Time of Occurrence: Early AM couple days ago

Additional members involved/witnessing: Lieutenant Ronson

Do you have any evidence to support your case? here is the video from the original report
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Digby IV

Monolith Rookie
Dec 19, 2017


Years of Mono

Ok clip looks to be up now but if you cant see it i downloaded it
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Lord Toaster

Community Manager
Community Manager
Forum Moderator
Jul 21, 2018


Years of Mono

Ban Expired.
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