Steam Name: Torky_JO
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:543405493
Your Discord-Tag: TorkyJO#0721
Ban Length: Permanent.
Ban Reason: i cannot remember, but i was banned around a year and a half ago. and then it lead to discord for some reason.
Unban Reason: I would like to be unbanned so i can communicate and be involved as ive been unbanned on monolith and im having technical issues.
Time of Occurrence: Around one year and a half ago
Additional members involved/witnessing: N.A.
Read, understood and followed ban appeal rules?: Yes
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:543405493
Your Discord-Tag: TorkyJO#0721
Ban Length: Permanent.
Ban Reason: i cannot remember, but i was banned around a year and a half ago. and then it lead to discord for some reason.
Unban Reason: I would like to be unbanned so i can communicate and be involved as ive been unbanned on monolith and im having technical issues.
Time of Occurrence: Around one year and a half ago
Additional members involved/witnessing: N.A.
Read, understood and followed ban appeal rules?: Yes
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