GreifFeuer Co. Weaponry
We are selling high-quality firearms and equipment that we source, and at a price that beats competition cleanly. Below is a list of our products and services.
Glock-18 - $11,000
Desert Eagle - $8,000
Desert Eagle - $8,000
XM8 - $22,000 [Out of stock]
SCAR-H - $14,000
SCAR-H - $14,000
EoTech - $1,000
Foregrip - $1,000
Foregrip - $1,000
- Guaranteed 24 Hour Delivery*
- Guaranteed 100% Durability
- Negotiable Bulk Purchases
Contact Information:
Name: Sigismund Habsburg
Steam Name: conorm
Tele. No.: 827-497-9214
Disc: conorm#3046
Name: Sergej Vogel
Steam Name: Nas
Tele. No.: 816-415-1745
Disc: Nas#0001
Order Format:
Steam Name:
Total Price:
Disc (optional):
* Provided that the order includes no more than 7 weapons, and does not cover failiure to organise a trade due to time availability differences
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