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Monolith Newcomer
Dec 3, 2017


Years of Mono

Your Steam Name: DRoLee
Your Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:142230529
Your Character Name (If Applicable): De’ndre, and I think the last name is Harrington but don’t quote me.

(I couldn’t find anywhere to appeal warns, so I just came here)

Admin being reported: @Covent

Reason for Report: So, there was a fire and I was a firefighter, I went and I was driving though the city to stop the fire. I apparently ran over some guy that jumped in front of my vehicle, I did not see him, and I did not hear any sound, so I had no idea I hit anyone. I drive into the country where the fire is happening and my game lags, I drive into the ditch, and I lose control. Covent picks up my truck and asks what I am doing, I say that I lost control but I was trying to salvage it since my game lagged. He tells me that I hit someone, and that I should’ve called EMS, and I say that I didn’t mean to, I didn’t see anything and they shouldn’t be jumping in front of cars in the first place. He tells me I will be receiving a warning point and I tell him that I literally couldn’t call EMS over something I had no idea happened, but I still get a warning. I don’t find this fair since I had no intention on what happened, and this situation was completely out of my control, since I got no indication that anyone was in front of my vehicle, so I don’t think I should’ve gotten a warning point over that, I kind of feel like he just wanted to give out a warning because I am sure he knew I didn’t know what happened. I just want the warning to be removed because even though It is only one warn, it’s a warn I didn’t do. He said I wouldn’t have gotten warned if I called EMS, and I would’ve been happy to, but I had no idea someone jumped in front of my car. I’d rather take a ban over something I know I did, than a warn that probably doesn’t matter over something I didn’t do. I extinguished the fire and got off the server after that cause there was nothing I could do in the situation other than just post on the forums. Earlier I crashed into someone’s car because their game lagged. I died. Did I call a staff member? No, we both went on our days happy. But it’s more so Covent just going into the situation not actually seeing it from my point of view, and just warning me, even though I couldn’t call ems over something I didn’t know happened. Thanks for reading, please take this into consideration, because I don’t see this as a fair warning, since I couldn’t have done anything to know what happened.
Time of Occurrence:I’d say 1:30am CST but I do not know exactly
Evidence to support your claim: Don’t have any
Additional members involved/witnessing: Covent, I’m sure he will tell the same story I am telling, because I explained everything to him when he grabbed my truck.


Monolith Rookie
Nov 11, 2017


Years of Mono

I seen this. You slammed on your breaks after you did it and continued to drive off.. I feel as if the warn was justified


Monolith Newcomer
Dec 3, 2017


Years of Mono

I seen this. You slammed on your breaks after you did it and continued to drive off.. I feel as if the warn was justified
Oh I remember what you’re referring to, my game had a lag spike, which seems pretty common with me. I saw about five people on the sidewalk and I start to lose control of my truck because of the spike, so I slam on my spacebar to avoid anyone, my game comes back and I am in the road, in my lane, nobody is saying anything, and I didn’t get any indicators that anyone was hit, so I continue driving not knowing anything happened.


Monolith Pleb
Nov 1, 2017


Years of Mono

You ran over the guy and did not stop, I then was watching you for a little and you were faildriving saying you had a lag spike. I asked you why you did not call EMS, you then stated you didn't know you ran someone over. I then said you are getting a warning for VDM and you stated he was in the middle of the road lying about his first statement of "not seeing him". Lag spikes is not an excuse for running someone over and not seeing them, if you get these lag spikes so often you shouldn't be driving at all.
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Monolith Newcomer
Dec 3, 2017


Years of Mono

You ran over the guy and did not stop, I then was watching you for a little and you were faildriving saying you had a lag spike. I asked you why did you not call EMS, you then stated you didn't know you ran someone over. I then said you are getting a warning for VDM and you stated he was in the middle of the road lying about his first statement of "not seeing him".
Please explain to me how saying that someone was in the middle of the road is lying? I don’t believe you actually read my posts, because if you would’ve my statement of him being in the middle of the road would’ve been very very clear. I come back from me stopping and I am in my lane, not skewed at all, so the only way for me to hit someone is for them to be in the middle of the road. And you call driving into a ditch which could be very easily explained in rp as losing control as a vehicle which I did hence he lag spike, faildriving? No disrespect to you Covent but I suggest you read posts before commenting. And why did the person who said they saw The situation state I stopped? I didn’t stop for the person yeah, because I didn’t know he even died, but I stopped, which makes me doubt if you even saw the whole thing go down. Please read all posts before you add your comment, because like in this situation, your points are most likely answered, especially before you choose to call someone a liar. (EDIT RESPONDING TO COVENT’S EDIT): wow, you want to tell me that since I was getting lag spikes I shouldn’t even be driving? Well obviously you’re speaking out of your field here since you don’t know what happened. Earlier I downloaded the content pack and It caused errors, so I went through a process to fix It, and thanks to a helpful Mod, xFlame, I did. But my game was still fixing itself and self repairing, just catching up to all the things I deleted and modified, so I was getting a little lag, and my game chose to lag when I got to those people, and also when I drove into that ditch. And your excuse for warning me over this is “You shouldn’t even be driving as a firefighter to put out a fire if your game is experiencing lag spikes every now and then.” I’ve never heard a staff member say “You shouldn’t even be playing the game if your game may lag at times that you can’t predict.” I think It would be a lot simpler to just try to put yourself in my shoes here, instead of trying to find some way to shift the blame onto me, like I intentionally ran him over, or like I intentionally thought that I had lag, so I am gonna drive to cause problems. I see you edited your comment but you left the part in that I am a liar, which is pretty funny seeing how you have no basis to insult me like that but ok. Not to mention It was right after I got back on the server and my first job, a UPS driver, I was able to deal with the lag spikes every now and then. But according to you, if I experience one bump in the road I should immediately find a job like a Police Cadet where I do not need a car, and play that way. Just to avoid having you come to me and not listen to my side of the story before you enact punishment. It’s just interesting how the staff member who handled the situation learns about most of the situation on the forums, because you warned me before you even listened to my side. You asked for my side and halfway through me talking I got a warning point.
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Monolith God
Dec 10, 2016


Years of Mono

First off all, you can not appeal any warnings points. They are permanent until you get 8 warning points, which in the end leads to a automatic ban by our system.
Lag is no excuse to faildrive or break server rules (VDM) whatsoever. We're already making it clear not to faildrive nearly every day with several announcements. If you lag, simply don't drive. If you still insist to drive, you will need to live with the consequences.

Be happy that you only received a warning and not a ban for blatant VDM. Denied.
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