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Oct 20, 2018


Years of Mono

Your Steam Name: JxckBlxck
Your Steam ID: 76561198100914871
Your Character Name: Jack White

Reported Staff Member: @Yeffrey

Reason for Report: Incorrect Warning Point - RDM
Time of Occurrence: 18:20pm BST
Relevant Evidence: N/A
Additional members involved/witnessing: N/A
Events: One of our friends in my organisation got tased by police at supermarket clothing store, therefore multiple members of our organisation jumped out of our vehicle and engaged combat with the police officers resulting in one officer being killed, the second officer ran into the clothing and I proceeded to shoot him however due to lack of rounds in magazine he survived and then put his hands up, after a few seconds passed by I killed him. Firstly, I'd like to state that Yeffrey pointed out this rule -
  • Law enforcement may only be harmed if they are a direct threat to you. Passing by officers, such as those obeying NLR, may not be harmed unless they initiate on you.

Which in my opinion has nothing to do with the situation because this rule falls under the "Robbing" section of the rules which was not doing we was clearly killing police because they tased and restrained one of our org members.

Secondly I'd like to point out these two rules:
  1. Attacking to kill should be carried out sensibly and not as a first resort, unless you have a good reason for immediate lethal action.
  2. You may not kill police officers unless you have a valid roleplay reason to do so. These could include, but is not limited to, visibly carrying illegal weapons or visibly performing an illegal activity. These reasons depend on the context. If police are attempting to initiate an arrest on you while you are carrying hidden illegal items in your inventory, that is a valid reason to kill them.
Number #1 - The reason for the attempt to kill the officers was because our org member was tased and restrained by the officers therefore we attempted to save him before he was transported and arrested. Both of these rules support the attack on the officers, I had a Scar-H and we were clearly performing an illegal activity by breaking someone out of police custody and killing police officers.

Number #2 - If I have already engaged in killing somebody with a valid reason and they mid-fight put their hands up why do I have to then suddenly value their life when the main goal of the situation was to kill all officers (2) and get our org member out of the area. Why do I suddenly have to make it a hostage situation or let him go when I have already attempted to kill him and he already called us out on radio. The whole purpose of the situation was to 1. Kill all officers in the immediate area 2. Release our friend out of handcuffs. However because the officer mid-fight put his hands up I have to suddenly change the whole situation for him even though I & others have engaged in combat with them. I don't see why I have to value their life when they have tried to arrest one of our guys and called us out on radio we wanted to leave the situation as soon as possible.
There is no rule that I can find stating that during combat if someone surrenders I have to keep them alive or use them as a hostage, my idea was to kill him and leave the situation so that we don't get caught by other police turning up.

Please leave unlocked when responding because I would like to respond to any comments by staff.

P.S. - I guess my statement above didn't mean anything to anyone because I get a reply like this:

Which I honestly have no idea how this ties into my report, the quote doesn't show me answering a question it just shows a statement from a rule that I followed not even broke, and then instantly denied and locked report without me being able to comment so I go to the direct messages on the website post a message to Stuvi whilst online and then no reply nor does yeffrey seem to want to talk about the situation on discord either so neither staff dealing with my in-game sit nor discord/forum message would like to assist a member of the community by helping them understand any rule they have broke.

I still believe I have been wrongly warned and the response that you gave Stuvi did not help me understand anything. Please if any other staff ends up dealing with this please point out the exact rule I broke and why and then allow me to respond whilst keeping it unlocked.


Monolith God
Dec 3, 2016


Years of Mono

Already dealt with. Locked.
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