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Monolith Senior
Dec 3, 2016


Years of Mono


Your Steam Name: Daave
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:96318414 
Your Character Name (If Applicable): Daave Keis

Admin being reported: @Jack0800

Reason for Report: FailRP/FearRP/VDM (As listed in the video)
Time of Occurrence: Tuesday 7PM
Evidence to support your claim: 

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Monolith Newcomer
Nov 29, 2016


Years of Mono

Oh right okay. I remember what happened here.

I was killed and revived and the moment I was revived I was detained by two or three officers at the same time, and I didn't have the GUI on my screen saying that I was detained etc, and I thought the reason I couldn't run was because of the injuries caused by the shooting as the medic didn't heal me, he just revived. 

I didn't actually close the door, I just went straight out so I presume that was the medic or the cop in front of the person recording this video but I can't say for sure who closed it.

The failRP with the gun thing can be properly explained both ICly and OOCly:

ICly: Having just been shot and delusion with pain, Adrenalin and fight or flight pumping the person could well have decided his best bet to escape (without conscious thought) was to get into the Police car, we can assume the door was open as the car was unlocked so the Officer didn't take the time to close it, so just getting in and press the pedal wouldn't be too hard. Hence why I only drove in one direction without trying to turn etc. Additionally, he was given no words of commands or orders, for instance to stop moving or come back, so it may not of clicked in his delusion mind that he had to stop moving.

OOCly: I didn't have the Handcuff indicator on my screen, I had no idea I was meant to be handcuffed -  I thought they were just behind me a good distance (which they were as shown in the video as I get into the car), and in that situation with people egging you on in discord etc its easy to take silly decisions that may be more exciting or cheeky to try to get a good scenario and something to enjoy. I accept that this was probably not the most mature option, and I thought about this directly after the incident and since then have been very conscious in my efforts to remain mature and logical in my roleplay.

VDM claim - I dispute the claim of VDM, as I had no where else to travel. I went in a straight line backwards into a mess of cars, and I had to try to drive forward pushing the van to get out of that situation. I didn't try to turn into the player or deliberately hit anyone with the car - if anything the player walked into the line of the car and was hit and killed pretty quickly in a accidental way. The player had plenty of time to react to move out of the way of the vehicle as it came towards him and even if I pressed space bar break, it still would of hit and killed him (due to his low health). 

As you can see by the video, when I was revived the second time and detained (by one officer this time), I then roleplayed properly, even during a large shoot-out I remained prone on the floor acting as if I was restrained. With him calling out I was making up "bullshit", I hadn't equipped a actual entity weapon, it was from the spawn list as I had a glitch with the game entity shotgun where my arms did the stretch thing where it covers my screen even if de-equipped, so I dropped and deleted the game entity shotgun and spawned the same one from the weapons list to counter it. I tried to explain to him that, and that I couldn't drop it but ICly I don't have it anymore and thus won't use it. But he didn't want to listen (only part of the convo is here). 

The final slide of the video is very slanderous and completely deceitful. I am not ment to use any admin power or deal with a situation I am involved in, to remove any aspect of bias. How can I do what he listed when I would be enforcing actions I have taken, its not possible to do so fairly and thus as standard practise I treat myself as a normal player in a situation involving myself and will allow another staff member to take control of any situation and give a verdict, and comply with it. At no point is there any evidence I'm not supporting, overseeing and helping any players or staff members, so adding that claim is there to simply tarnish my reputation and try to use lies and emotion to win this ban request, rather than fact.

Again, the player maliciously invents "multiple other times" that I have acted in this kind of way, although I completely and utterly reject such claims, as shown by my current track record of administration (both in Monolith and in the past), as I have done nothing but effectively and efficiently enforce the rules, enhance the community spirit and be an active role model of not only how to role play on the server, but also how to talk to and deal with other members of the community.

An example of this is when the reportee had tried to contact me (indirectly of course through Aidan), where I just informed Aidan I was currently in another RP situation, but I would be happy to talk to him at any time afterwards or on steam, but Aidan told me he didn't want to talk about it anymore. I feel the person who reported this toke a bad angle on the event, and toke away the negative aspects and decided that those negatives are how I always act, and that I am a bad and malicious staff member, when this is simply not the case. 

Whilst I accept I did not act in the best possible way in this scenario, I feel due to circumstance and how I acted it was not a breach of the rules. This experience was a learning one for me, even without being told about this player's view of the incident (first I found out was now), and I learned a few lessons from this which have now been put into place in my time since. The player was on the receiving end of what he/she believed to be malicious and deliberate rule breaking behaviour, and saw the whole situation through this view, and painted me with the same brush without actually experiencing me in another situation (before or after), to get a well-rounded view of how I act and how I administrate. One debatable incident does not make me a terrible staff member or member of this community.

@Labyrinth,@WhiteWolf,@DevulTj, @Gurrazor and nearly every active member of the community/staff team has seen how I administrate, how I roleplay and how I behave, and I feel confident they would utterly reject these claims against me and my character. 
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Monolith Specialist
Apr 6, 2017


Years of Mono

I was personally there at the scene (you can hear my voice in the background). The officers weren't really saying too much, just too busy pointing guns. At one point I was stun stuck to death whilst following orders by an officer. There are a few issues here with what you can see I had an issue where I couldn't see anything apart from "You can not equip this weapon" whilst I was zip tied. I couldn't do anything, couldn't type in the console or anything or access the ESC menu. It went after a few minutes but there are a few issues here and there so I can understand @Jack0800.

For the zip tie thing I contacted @DevulTj but the second he came to tell everyone (I was being kidnapped) it went.


Community Director
Nov 29, 2016


Years of Mono

This is not a report of administrative abuse, but of potentially breaching rules. Moved to Ban Requests.


Monolith Senior
Dec 3, 2016


Years of Mono

Daave's reply

I was killed and revived and the moment I was revived I was detained by two or three officers at the same time, and I didn't have the GUI on my screen saying that I was detained etc, and I thought the reason I couldn't run was because of the injuries caused by the shooting as the medic didn't heal me, he just revived. 


Surely you would have handcuffs on your screen.

I didn't actually close the door, I just went straight out so I presume that was the medic or the cop in front of the person recording this video but I can't say for sure who closed it.

This I am willing to allow, I can see the possibility of that.

ICly: Having just been shot and delusion with pain, Adrenalin and fight or flight pumping the person could well have decided his best bet to escape (without conscious thought) was to get into the Police car, we can assume the door was open as the car was unlocked so the Officer didn't take the time to close it, so just getting in and press the pedal wouldn't be too hard. Hence why I only drove in one direction without trying to turn etc. Additionally, he was given no words of commands or orders, for instance to stop moving or come back, so it may not of clicked in his delusion mind that he had to stop moving.


If thats the case, then, next time I'm being chased and have just been revived I'll use your excuse. No! That's stupid, and too add I (Daave) shouted "stop!" several times although the recording didn't pick up my mic.

OOCly: I didn't have the Handcuff indicator on my screen, I had no idea I was meant to be handcuffed -  I thought they were just behind me a good distance (which they were as shown in the video as I get into the car), and in that situation with people egging you on in discord etc its easy to take silly decisions that may be more exciting or cheeky to try to get a good scenario and something to enjoy. I accept that this was probably not the most mature option, and I thought about this directly after the incident and since then have been very conscious in my efforts to remain mature and logical in my roleplay.


Refer to the first point - Doesn't really matter about their distance, either way, I am still running with a gun telling you to stop. - You are once again an administrator. You shouldn't be "egged on". I've egged on plenty of admins telling them to do stuff, in the scenario, I am using (Requested his name was removed), and he has used his better judgment and not done it. 

VDM claim


I hadn't equipped a actual entity weapon, it was from the spawn list as I had a glitch with the game entity shotgun where my arms did the stretch thing where it covers my screen even if de-equipped, so I dropped and deleted the game entity shotgun and spawned the


Are you you serious! You spawned a bloody weapon?!?! I'm sure you would have known when you get shot down you lose your weapon. So you, Jack0800 have access to the trello and should have seen that but you DIDN'T that really annoys me, abusing your powers like that


Monolith Newcomer
Nov 29, 2016


Years of Mono

Daave's reply

0. Surely you would have handcuffs on your screen.

This I am willing to allow, I can see the possibility of that.

1. If thats the case, then, next time I'm being chased and have just been revived I'll use your excuse. No! That's stupid, and too add I (Daave) shouted "stop!" several times although the recording didn't pick up my mic.

2. Refer to the first point - Doesn't really matter about their distance, either way, I am still running with a gun telling you to stop. - You are once again an administrator. You shouldn't be "egged on". I've egged on plenty of admins telling them to do stuff, in the scenario, I am using (Requested his name was removed), and he has used his better judgment and not done it. 


3. Are you you serious! You spawned a bloody weapon?!?! I'm sure you would have known when you get shot down you lose your weapon. So you, Jack0800 have access to the trello and should have seen that but you DIDN'T that really annoys me, abusing your powers like that

I've numbered the points in the qoute to easily referance them. 

0. This is a well known bug, and I believe it may of been patched already because I haven't seen or heard any reports of it for a while. If you get spammed with the handcuffs it can glitch and the person handcuffed doesn't see that he is handcuffed, there is no release timer, you can see all your weapons on the scroll wheel etc. I didn't have the glitch the second time I was restrained, hence why I was laying on the ground being obedient. 

1. I didn't hear any voice commands at this time, and that was said by another person who posted on this request, perhaps your mic wasn't transmitting or you used the wrong push to talk? If I heard any commands I would of obeyed them.

2. You were running with a gun behind me, I only looked back once and you were a fair distance back as I got into the car - this action has already been fairly explained with a response to trauma, Adrenalin and other such processes that make people in similar situations behave illogically or dangerously, and is often why people are shot by police. With no words of command I'm going to try to get away from the man pointing the weapon at me, thats the whole point of communicating. 

3. As I explained, theres another well known glitch regarding weapons, when you can rarely get a glitch that stretches your playermodel across the screen and can't go away. To counter this as I couldn't use the weapon, as I dropped and re-equipped it a few times, was to drop the weapon, delete it and spawn the same weapon. The spawned weapon can't be inventory'd or un-equipped, and this I explained to you, I can't drop it, its spawned and so I won't use it - ICly you toke it away of course I'm not going to use it. Hence why I didn't get it out when I was running (as I had full access to my scroll wheel). 

I'm confused by the rest of point 3? I would of known that you lose your weapon, yes thats why I said its spawned and I'm not going to use it - its ICly out of my possession. What does having access to the Trello have to do with anything? Trello is just a place we can manage projects towards development or new content. I spawned the shotgun hours before this incident, when I first got on the server and decided to base, and encountered the glitch. Although I concede the best course of action may have been to run it through with Gurra or the CM team, I deliberated and decided that its not a malicious spawning, as the gun I was replacing was deleted, so I didn't benefit from spawning the weapon. 


Monolith Rookie
Community Janitor
Apr 8, 2017


Years of Mono

Oh right okay. I remember what happened here.

I was killed and revived and the moment I was revived I was detained by two or three officers at the same time, and I didn't have the GUI on my screen saying that I was detained etc, and I thought the reason I couldn't run was because of the injuries caused by the shooting as the medic didn't heal me, he just revived. 

I didn't actually close the door, I just went straight out so I presume that was the medic or the cop in front of the person recording this video but I can't say for sure who closed it.

The failRP with the gun thing can be properly explained both ICly and OOCly:

ICly: Having just been shot and delusion with pain, Adrenalin and fight or flight pumping the person could well have decided his best bet to escape (without conscious thought) was to get into the Police car, we can assume the door was open as the car was unlocked so the Officer didn't take the time to close it, so just getting in and press the pedal wouldn't be too hard. Hence why I only drove in one direction without trying to turn etc. Additionally, he was given no words of commands or orders, for instance to stop moving or come back, so it may not of clicked in his delusion mind that he had to stop moving.

OOCly: I didn't have the Handcuff indicator on my screen, I had no idea I was meant to be handcuffed -  I thought they were just behind me a good distance (which they were as shown in the video as I get into the car), and in that situation with people egging you on in discord etc its easy to take silly decisions that may be more exciting or cheeky to try to get a good scenario and something to enjoy. I accept that this was probably not the most mature option, and I thought about this directly after the incident and since then have been very conscious in my efforts to remain mature and logical in my roleplay.

VDM claim - I dispute the claim of VDM, as I had no where else to travel. I went in a straight line backwards into a mess of cars, and I had to try to drive forward pushing the van to get out of that situation. I didn't try to turn into the player or deliberately hit anyone with the car - if anything the player walked into the line of the car and was hit and killed pretty quickly in a accidental way. The player had plenty of time to react to move out of the way of the vehicle as it came towards him and even if I pressed space bar break, it still would of hit and killed him (due to his low health). 

As you can see by the video, when I was revived the second time and detained (by one officer this time), I then roleplayed properly, even during a large shoot-out I remained prone on the floor acting as if I was restrained. With him calling out I was making up "bullshit", I hadn't equipped a actual entity weapon, it was from the spawn list as I had a glitch with the game entity shotgun where my arms did the stretch thing where it covers my screen even if de-equipped, so I dropped and deleted the game entity shotgun and spawned the same one from the weapons list to counter it. I tried to explain to him that, and that I couldn't drop it but ICly I don't have it anymore and thus won't use it. But he didn't want to listen (only part of the convo is here). 

The final slide of the video is very slanderous and completely deceitful. I am not ment to use any admin power or deal with a situation I am involved in, to remove any aspect of bias. How can I do what he listed when I would be enforcing actions I have taken, its not possible to do so fairly and thus as standard practise I treat myself as a normal player in a situation involving myself and will allow another staff member to take control of any situation and give a verdict, and comply with it. At no point is there any evidence I'm not supporting, overseeing and helping any players or staff members, so adding that claim is there to simply tarnish my reputation and try to use lies and emotion to win this ban request, rather than fact.

Again, the player maliciously invents "multiple other times" that I have acted in this kind of way, although I completely and utterly reject such claims, as shown by my current track record of administration (both in Monolith and in the past), as I have done nothing but effectively and efficiently enforce the rules, enhance the community spirit and be an active role model of not only how to role play on the server, but also how to talk to and deal with other members of the community.

An example of this is when the reportee had tried to contact me (indirectly of course through Aidan), where I just informed Aidan I was currently in another RP situation, but I would be happy to talk to him at any time afterwards or on steam, but Aidan told me he didn't want to talk about it anymore. I feel the person who reported this toke a bad angle on the event, and toke away the negative aspects and decided that those negatives are how I always act, and that I am a bad and malicious staff member, when this is simply not the case. 

Whilst I accept I did not act in the best possible way in this scenario, I feel due to circumstance and how I acted it was not a breach of the rules. This experience was a learning one for me, even without being told about this player's view of the incident (first I found out was now), and I learned a few lessons from this which have now been put into place in my time since. The player was on the receiving end of what he/she believed to be malicious and deliberate rule breaking behaviour, and saw the whole situation through this view, and painted me with the same brush without actually experiencing me in another situation (before or after), to get a well-rounded view of how I act and how I administrate. One debatable incident does not make me a terrible staff member or member of this community.

@Labyrinth,@WhiteWolf,@DevulTj, @Gurrazor and nearly every active member of the community/staff team has seen how I administrate, how I roleplay and how I behave, and I feel confident they would utterly reject these claims against me and my character. 

Ok, just to clear this up a bit futher, I will happily provide the full video (It was aidan that edited it and added text as i was at mrs browns boys in manchester :D )

The VDM is disupted due to the reason you provided although you said that the chat while we were talking about your gun wasnt the full convo. I can provide the rest of the video,

On my behalf it was my fault that ShadowPlay wasnt recording my mic. I will insure this doesnt happen in the future
Sadly that only gave half of the story.

You can fight away the fact that i 'didnt say anything' because my mic wasnt recording although i was shouting stop all the time and you carried on to ignore me.

If there is anything else i need to add
Please let me know



Monolith Newcomer
Nov 29, 2016


Years of Mono

Ok, just to clear this up a bit futher, I will happily provide the full video (It was aidan that edited it and added text as i was at mrs browns boys in manchester :D )

The VDM is disupted due to the reason you provided although you said that the chat while we were talking about your gun wasnt the full convo. I can provide the rest of the video,

On my behalf it was my fault that ShadowPlay wasnt recording my mic. I will insure this doesnt happen in the future
Sadly that only gave half of the story.

You can fight away the fact that i 'didnt say anything' because my mic wasnt recording although i was shouting stop all the time and you carried on to ignore me.

If there is anything else i need to add
Please let me know


I'm not going to lie about it.

I genuinely didn't hear you give commands. Another person who replied to this threat who was at the situation also said the cops weren't saying much.

I'm curious to one thing, why did you say I've got a reputation for rulebreaking or being abusive? I take that quite personnaly and I would love to talk to you about this on steam or discord. I offered to talk to you after you raised your point directly as this situation ended but I didn't get a response. 

T.w² | Puncaek

Monolith Grinder
Apr 7, 2017


Years of Mono

I have no idea how to hide stuff on a phone so here.

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Deleted member 332

I had the gun dropping issue once too, i couldn't drop it after being cuffed because it wasn't in my inventory.


Monolith Veteran
Feb 1, 2017


Years of Mono

I had the gun dropping issue once too, i couldn't drop it after being cuffed because it wasn't in my inventory.

He couldn't drop it as it was a shotgun from the spawnlist. 


Monolith Senior
Dec 3, 2016


Years of Mono

The only questionable thing I see in this report is when Jack said he spawned himself a shotgun from the spawn menu due to the bug. I wouldn't punish him for that, but just issue him a warning and remind him to reconnect if he has the sort of issue. As for the report, I think it's better for the two parties to settle it as best they can before a superior steps in to say their judgement. I hope Jack and Daave can settle this through steam.


Monolith God
Dec 10, 2016


Years of Mono

@Jack0800 @Daave

I have read every informative response and decided to decline this ban request. This comes with a HUGE warning to Jack though as he's an Administrator for MRP. You should've handled this situation much better, especially as MRP staff.

In regard of weapon spawning: Do NOT spawn in weapons or any other entities for your personal usage just because you encountered a bug with it. You are giving yourself unfair advantage of other players and break certain RP aspects (as seen in the video).
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