Steam Name: KRAFTRON
Your SteamID: 76561198113257061 ( i believe )
Your Character Name: John Watterson
Ban Length: 5 Days
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Ber506
Ban Reason: LTAA
Unban Reason: So, My house power turned off while i was cuffed, I did not expect this to occur while i'm playing the server, It automatically made me leave the game so I could not join back to explain why i left since it took 1 hour to get the electricity back on due to it not working several times, When the power turned on, I tried to join but i got banned for ltaa.
Time of Occurrence: 1 or 2 hours ago, 6pm / 5pm
Additional members involved/witnessing: There was an officer which was involved but i forgot what his name was.
Read, understood and followed ban appeal rules?: Mhm!
Your SteamID: 76561198113257061 ( i believe )
Your Character Name: John Watterson
Ban Length: 5 Days
Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Ber506
Ban Reason: LTAA
Unban Reason: So, My house power turned off while i was cuffed, I did not expect this to occur while i'm playing the server, It automatically made me leave the game so I could not join back to explain why i left since it took 1 hour to get the electricity back on due to it not working several times, When the power turned on, I tried to join but i got banned for ltaa.
Time of Occurrence: 1 or 2 hours ago, 6pm / 5pm
Additional members involved/witnessing: There was an officer which was involved but i forgot what his name was.
Read, understood and followed ban appeal rules?: Mhm!