In-Game Name: Larry Winters
Steam Name: FluffyGamer
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:206125105
Date and time of loss: Aprx 7":00 EST
What happened: Someone took a m4 carbine off of my dead body while my friend were still in a gunfight and then he logged. We made a report ingame and Mark told us to make a refund request since he combat logged with my gun.
What do you need refunded: m4 Carbine
Evidence: Logs and sit with Mark to verify.
In-Game Name: Larry Winters
Steam Name: FluffyGamer
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:206125105
Date and time of loss: Aprx 7":00 EST
What happened: Someone took a m4 carbine off of my dead body while my friend were still in a gunfight and then he logged. We made a report ingame and Mark told us to make a refund request since he combat logged with my gun.
What do you need refunded: m4 Carbine
Evidence: Logs and sit with Mark to verify.