Monoford Police Department
Training Session
The Monoford Police Department Command requests that certain law enforcement agents attend the training session that will take place at the Monoford Conventions Center, 5th of May 2020 at 16:00 EST. The law enforcement officers that must attend the training sessions are those with the following ranks:
- Police Chief
- Police Captain
- Police Lieutenant
- Police Sergeant
- Police Pine County Deputy
- Police Officer
- Police Tow Truck Driver
If you cannot attend the training session, you must report that to a Police Lieutenant or above.
Additional information:
Training topics: Use Of Force Continuum
Training regime:
- Dealing with compliant and non compliant individuals;
- Safe handcuffing (protocol);
- Proper usage of lethal force;
- Deciding in what scenarios lethal force should be used;
- Practical demonstration.
Results: After training, Law Enforcement Officers will be able to dictate and know how and when to use lethal force, such as when to take a suspect down. They will also be able to determine when to use non lethal force to subdue the suspect, how to safely handcuff them and how to deal with compliant and non compliant individuals.
The officers will be expected to follow all the procedures and protocols they learned in this training session. Failure to do so may result in their demotion.
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