In-Game Name: Tyrone Luco
Steam Name: GoatedFn.
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:459405316
Date and time of loss: 8-810 est
What happened: Me and a couple other friends where raiding a base that had aimbot members and they kept moving props mid raid and shot threw bullet proof windows.
What do you need refunded: 1 m249 1 deagle 1 vector 7 rifle ammo boxed 3 lock picks 1 kevlar helmet
Steam Name: GoatedFn.
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:459405316
Date and time of loss: 8-810 est
What happened: Me and a couple other friends where raiding a base that had aimbot members and they kept moving props mid raid and shot threw bullet proof windows.
What do you need refunded: 1 m249 1 deagle 1 vector 7 rifle ammo boxed 3 lock picks 1 kevlar helmet