In-Game name: Jack Everadon
Steam name: Cookie
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:118906358
Date and time of loss: 6/25/18
What happened: i died of thirst, and when i went to go get my stuff from my bag it disappeared (my friends were there and no one picked it up)
How much do you need refunded: 12x stacks and 21 single lsd, g36c with attachments, makarov, glock, 6 green chem, 8 purple chem
Evidence: my friend screenshotted my bag
Steam name: Cookie
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:118906358
Date and time of loss: 6/25/18
What happened: i died of thirst, and when i went to go get my stuff from my bag it disappeared (my friends were there and no one picked it up)
How much do you need refunded: 12x stacks and 21 single lsd, g36c with attachments, makarov, glock, 6 green chem, 8 purple chem
Evidence: my friend screenshotted my bag