In-Game Name: Tony Spageti
Steam Name: Heywood Jeblowme
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:500610386
Date and time of loss: around 10:50 11/25/19
What happened: Cops did a false raid and GM1003 said it was a false raid and someone grabbed my mini fridge and never gave it back
What do you need refunded: Mini Fridge
Evidence:[/B] no evidence because i was out of my house and came back and my mini fridge was gone after the raid finished
Steam Name: Heywood Jeblowme
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:500610386
Date and time of loss: around 10:50 11/25/19
What happened: Cops did a false raid and GM1003 said it was a false raid and someone grabbed my mini fridge and never gave it back
What do you need refunded: Mini Fridge
Evidence:[/B] no evidence because i was out of my house and came back and my mini fridge was gone after the raid finished