In-Game Name: Jordan Jenks
Steam Name: M3TAM0RPHOSiS
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:100138403
Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): Can't remember the time, in the evening of 1/26/22 (CST)
What happened: I was killed by a mass rdmer and lost stuff.
What do you need refunded: LR-300 with 3 attachments, Kevlar + Helmet. I made a ticket and an admin told me I could make an RR for the items.
Evidence: I don't remember the Admins name and unfortunately, I was accidentally banned today (hoping it gets removed soon), so I cannot check who it was. Hopefully either they se this and remember, or I get unbanned and can see who it was.
Read, understood and followed refund request rules and guidelines?: Yes
Steam Name: M3TAM0RPHOSiS
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:100138403
Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): Can't remember the time, in the evening of 1/26/22 (CST)
What happened: I was killed by a mass rdmer and lost stuff.
What do you need refunded: LR-300 with 3 attachments, Kevlar + Helmet. I made a ticket and an admin told me I could make an RR for the items.
Evidence: I don't remember the Admins name and unfortunately, I was accidentally banned today (hoping it gets removed soon), so I cannot check who it was. Hopefully either they se this and remember, or I get unbanned and can see who it was.
Read, understood and followed refund request rules and guidelines?: Yes