In-Game Name: John Leonard
Steam Name: Official Car Mechanic
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:172187914
Date and time of loss: 4:39 AM CST 11/30/19
What happened: I was in bank just murdered someone was trying to give someone a free weapon and someone shot me in the back along with another man for no reason.
What do you need refunded: 2 kevlar (Helmets) HK UMP, MR96, 2 boxes of pistol ammo (on my person)
Steam Name: Official Car Mechanic
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:172187914
Date and time of loss: 4:39 AM CST 11/30/19
What happened: I was in bank just murdered someone was trying to give someone a free weapon and someone shot me in the back along with another man for no reason.
What do you need refunded: 2 kevlar (Helmets) HK UMP, MR96, 2 boxes of pistol ammo (on my person)