In-Game Name: Greyson Casey
Steam Name: Hazer
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:461832765
Date and time of loss: Today, around 3:00 PM EST
What happened: Jumped out of my car to protect myself from the guard, but was dropped to 9% health to from 80% due to a glitch. I shouldn't have died.
What do you need refunded: Ar 15 with Eotech Sights, 7 Large Med kits, 2 Lock-picks, Kevlar and Helmet
Steam Name: Hazer
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:461832765
Date and time of loss: Today, around 3:00 PM EST
What happened: Jumped out of my car to protect myself from the guard, but was dropped to 9% health to from 80% due to a glitch. I shouldn't have died.
What do you need refunded: Ar 15 with Eotech Sights, 7 Large Med kits, 2 Lock-picks, Kevlar and Helmet