In-Game Name: Dan Copper
Steam Name: chunky mushroom
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:65338426
Date and time of loss: 8/5/2020, ~7:45 PM CST
What happened: Had a lot of lag spikes before eventually locking up and then crashing, managed to get a screenshot just in case
What do you need refunded: 1 cooking stove, 3 cans of kerosene, 3 stacks of coca leaves, and 3 packing boxes
Steam Name: chunky mushroom
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:65338426
Date and time of loss: 8/5/2020, ~7:45 PM CST
What happened: Had a lot of lag spikes before eventually locking up and then crashing, managed to get a screenshot just in case
What do you need refunded: 1 cooking stove, 3 cans of kerosene, 3 stacks of coca leaves, and 3 packing boxes