In-Game Name: Kary Harry
Steam Name: Its clout
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:227903373
Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): about 1:05 am EST
What happened: I was arrested for something that should have been a ticket ( arrested for 10 years for having an expired license, this literally happened to my friend about 2 minutes before and the cop just gave him a ticket so I don't think I should have been arrested. I complained in Help chat and they told me to stop then they all just got off )
What do you need to be refunded: Vector, silencer, Aimpoint sight
Evidence: ---- that's all I really have, I don't have proof of the attachments but I'm not really stressing over a silencer and an aimpoint sight.
Read, understood, and followed refund request rules and guidelines?: Yes.
Steam Name: Its clout
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:227903373
Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): about 1:05 am EST
What happened: I was arrested for something that should have been a ticket ( arrested for 10 years for having an expired license, this literally happened to my friend about 2 minutes before and the cop just gave him a ticket so I don't think I should have been arrested. I complained in Help chat and they told me to stop then they all just got off )
What do you need to be refunded: Vector, silencer, Aimpoint sight
Evidence: ---- that's all I really have, I don't have proof of the attachments but I'm not really stressing over a silencer and an aimpoint sight.
Read, understood, and followed refund request rules and guidelines?: Yes.