In-Game Name: Tyler Gard
Steam Name: Doom Guy
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:534029976
Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): roughtly 5 mins before this RR
What happened: : i put 2 M4's in my glove box then my car blew up then it auto Despawned
What do you need refunded: 2 M4's with HK reflexs (i got video of the sights
Evidence: (Video of the glovebox) (video of the car despawning)
Read, understood and followed refund request rules and guidelines?: yes
i was told to make a RR :/
Steam Name: Doom Guy
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:534029976
Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): roughtly 5 mins before this RR
What happened: : i put 2 M4's in my glove box then my car blew up then it auto Despawned
What do you need refunded: 2 M4's with HK reflexs (i got video of the sights
Evidence: (Video of the glovebox) (video of the car despawning)
Read, understood and followed refund request rules and guidelines?: yes
i was told to make a RR :/