Your Steam Name:
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:63180374
Your Character Name : Jimmy Valentine
Admin being reported: @Shimax ツ
Reason for Report: Allowing fellow officers to break rules during RP situation.
Admin stated on ban appeal report "Tickets can easily be removed by us. RP scenarios cannot be." as he allowed officers to ticket me till I left.
Time of Occurrence: 12:00 PM california time
Evidence to support your claim: all the info is on the ban appeal
Additional members involved/witnessing: very clear
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:63180374
Your Character Name : Jimmy Valentine
Admin being reported: @Shimax ツ
Reason for Report: Allowing fellow officers to break rules during RP situation.
Admin stated on ban appeal report "Tickets can easily be removed by us. RP scenarios cannot be." as he allowed officers to ticket me till I left.
Time of Occurrence: 12:00 PM california time
Evidence to support your claim: all the info is on the ban appeal
Additional members involved/witnessing: very clear