We have a zero tolerance on trolling, it is punishable by a kick from the faction following with a report to the administrator team.
If you have absolutely no knowledge of La Cosa Nostra, consider joining another faction. This is a 100% serious role playing focused faction that aims to bring good role playing scenes to the server.
If you break any server rules, you break our rules. Read the rules and make sure you know them before attempting to approach the faction.
If you are in this faction, you are to stay. If you wish to change teams, we advise you to make a new character because the Character-Kill Clause will follow your character to that other faction, which means that you can still be killed and forced to make a new identity on the server.
If you have any enquiries regarding the faction or the Character-Kill Clause, feel free to ask under the comments.
We will be providing screenshots of our role playing weekly to display our activity.
We expect a high standard of role playing abilities and a realistic approach to the role play.
If you have any enquiries regarding the faction or the Character-Kill Clause, feel free to ask under the comments.
We will be providing screenshots of our role playing weekly to display our activity.
We expect a high standard of role playing abilities and a realistic approach to the role play.
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