In-Game Name: Jack Snow
Steam Name: Alpha
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:164478836
Date and time of loss: 04/08/2020 13:15 BST (Restart Time)
What happened: Well I spent 200K or 250K on the Vape Turbine (I cannot remember), and now it has been nerfed I no longer want it, and the price has also gone down for it, meaning i lost out of 150K or so. I'd rather just have the whole thing refunded as I do not plan to use it.
What do you need refunded: $250,000
Evidence: (proof I own it)
Steam Name: Alpha
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:164478836
Date and time of loss: 04/08/2020 13:15 BST (Restart Time)
What happened: Well I spent 200K or 250K on the Vape Turbine (I cannot remember), and now it has been nerfed I no longer want it, and the price has also gone down for it, meaning i lost out of 150K or so. I'd rather just have the whole thing refunded as I do not plan to use it.
What do you need refunded: $250,000
Evidence: (proof I own it)