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Lola Meid

Monolith Grinder
Apr 12, 2017


Years of Mono

Hey people of Monolith!

Last year we have done a contest in regard to Thanksgiving where we asked you guys to post what you appreciate/are thankful for in Monolith. Lots of you back then have given us some good laughs and a smile on our faces whilst reading the comments, so today we are going to hold the same contest! Let us know the little things you appreciate in Monolith and you may be in our top 3 where each of you can earn up to $50,000 (#1. 50k - #2. 30k - #3. 15k). Just as last year, there will be certain rules:
- Stay on topic (no talking about bans, slander etc. Let's stay festive)
- No targeting to players
- No disrespect / insults / foul language
- You can use images/videos that are appropriate, however make sure to explain shortly what it's about
- Keep forum rules in mind (no double post, no racism etc)

What I want to add is something we, the community management, staff, developers and many of our creative/media/marketing members are thankful for:

It's been a hell of a ride every since we started this community. We would've never imagined our community to grow as massive as it is now and we would never have done it without you guys nor our (ex) staff/development members. We wish to strive for a number one spot, but so far (if I can say for myself at least) I think we've reached a great achievement so far. Let's aim for our second anniversary together!

So let us know in the comments what YOU are thankful for!
Contest ends at 29th of November 2018

Ray Zax

Monolith Rookie
Jul 23, 2017


Years of Mono

I am thankful for the mentors, staff, and the community that are always there to help me if the community didn't have mentors or a good staff team or a nice community then I would never have been able to learn anything on Monolith however with them I learned so much about Monolith and now I think of it as my home.


Monolith Grinder
Aug 27, 2018


Years of Mono

I'm pretty thankful for DanielfromSL I had never even owned gmod and wasn't aware there was such a massive RP community, he's the only reason I brought the game and have sunk hundreds of hours in monolith in such a short time and met some genuinely sound people.


Monolith Specialist
Police Board
Jun 10, 2017


Years of Mono

The moments I appreciate most in this community are the moments where players that don't know each other and maybe never even talked to each other come together and have some fun, here are some examples:

(Just noticed that Lola is in every picture lmao)

(when proning was just introduced)

(I don't even remember how this happened)

(Lola was Always AFK in the same place and sometimes it created some quality r o l e p l a y)
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A Sack O' Salt

Monolith Addict
Dec 10, 2017


Years of Mono

I would just like to say that I am beyond thankful for the place this community has in my heart. Sometimes life gets rough for me, and everyone for that matter, and this community always somehow cheers me up. I am thankful for the developers that are constantly working to make the community enjoyable and stable. I would also like to thank the player base that I’ve been in for around a year now and my position as a Mentor to assist other players. Overall I’d like to thank the whole community, just for being here and enjoying it with me. I would just like to say that I am beyond thankful for the place this community has in my heart. Sometimes life gets rough for me, and everyone for that matter, and this community always somehow cheers me up. I am thankful for the developers that are constantly working to make the community enjoyable and stable. I would also like to thank the player base that I’ve been in for around a year now and my position as a Mentor to assist other players. Overall I’d like to thank the whole community, just for being here and enjoying it with me. When I first joined the community here, I was a lone wolf, trying to make some money. I've been through so many frustrations and many times where I just figured I quit because it was so incredibly hard to make money without having friends. I met a couple of guys and we figured we'd start our own organization... That lasted about a week before it was disbanded and I stopped playing for a while. I came back to Monolith on January 1st, 2018. Ever since I joined back I felt remorseful for leaving the community and decided I try to start it up again. That's when I joined The Floridian's and met some extraordinary people. Since then I've applied for Staff, but have been declined many times. Until recently I was appointed to be a Mentor, so I figured if I can't prove my worth as a Staff Member with words, I would try with actions. Since then I have been recommended by @Aaronwho, by himself, is an amazing staff member and represents the Staff Teams dedication and devotion to the community. Since then I've joined multiple different organizations who held me under their wing and helped me climb up the rankings and make money. Basically, I'm thankful for everyone who I've ever even come in contact with.
@gm1003 - You are an amazing person who helps people out and has fun doing it. Although I was in your Organization I've never even seen you roleplay. It just seems like you're here as a support member half the time haha.
@Aaron - You've probably been the Staff member who's helped me on 7/10 of my reports, you're extremely dedicated to helping the community and spend heaps of time doing it. I thank you.
@Lola Meid - When I first even joined the community back in 2017, you were the first person I encountered, riding around a stupid tricycle. I applaud you for that.
@Gregg - I really do appreciate what you do for this community and appreciate the time you take to help others out. I know for a fact you aren't recognized for it enough.
@jose aceves - You and me, best pals a while ago. We tried to start our own organization and were soon shut down due to poverty. Since then I've seen you around the server and I thank you for helping me realize my worth in this community.
@The Whole Management Team - You guys devote lots of time implementing things and managing things for this community. I know it's business, but regardless it's damn near a perfect business you guys run here.
This community is the heart and sole of my time spent playing video games. And I thank you ALL for that.
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Gabriel Mathews

Nov 5, 2018


Years of Mono

I am thankful for the people that first helped me out and got me on my feet when I first joined the server. I am thankful for being loved by Lola even tho she doesn’t admit it, I know it’s in her heart. I am thankful for my 6 warning points. I am thankful for pmx not knowing who I am. I am thankful for my org and helping me out along the way and working together to build a strong family. I am thankful for all the people on the server that are kind and respectful and help others that are in need. I am thankful for when the staff are extra helpful at times and help you get trough tough situations. I am thankful for monolith for giving me this fun experience of playing on a server where I have endless joy on. I love you <3. I’m even thankful for getting this opportunity to even say what I’m thankful for to the whole community. Every hour spent on this server isn’t an hour taken away from my life like some say, it’s an hour of me enjoying my life in one of the most enjoyable ways possible. Monolith is easily the best server I have ever played on and even tho I have problems with people on the community, this is one of the best communities you will get in any video game as you are offered plenty of chances to enjoy your time here, even tho there are obstacles in the way like bans and toxic interactions, you still get the full potential of an amazing server and community. Once again I love you all wether you like me or not I still have a place in my heart for you. Mwah

P.s I would like to shout some people out for being in my life during this server experience.

@Logan Fitz, @Nuketron, @nSaNe, marquise, @Q_city45

I am thankful for the people I tagged because these people give me a reason to come on the server knowing that I am going to have someone to talk to and roll with. These people gave me opportunities to build in the server

Logan fitz: you are the realest one of them all, you are the very first person I met on the server and ever since I met you, you have been the greatest person ever, getting me through tough times, getting absolutely baked together, starting me off in the server by teaching me the ways of the server, just being a good friend in general

@Nuketron : thank you brodie for always being with me and just being a friendly person and never getting into fights with me even tho you have to deal with my stupid shit some times. Every minute we spend together is a joy ride and I hope more is to come

@nSaNe + marquiese: love you both, from robbing banks together to getting absolutely fucked up at night and watching videos together and having the time of lives, you guys make this server for me enjoyable in every way possible, love you both.

Butch+ your brother: even tho we are still in the process of getting along, thank you both for giving me the opportunity to join the org and be along you. Both of you are the nicest people I have ever met and i hope there is more to come

Again... I love you all

Edit: almost forgot to wish you all a happy thanksgiving and future on gobble gobble
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Monolith Newcomer
Nov 20, 2018


Years of Mono

As a new player to the server, I really appreciate the admins. I usually ask a lot of questions, and at times called the admins a lot when I was confused on my first job I joined. (Bank Security Cadet) I called admins over frequently to ask what I should be doing and everytime they were helpful and it just let me have a great start to the server. I didn't feel neglected, or that learning how to play was out of my grasp.
I'm very surprised at how good people who play medics are, I eventually worked my way to being a police officer. It's honestly a crazy fun experience to be critical in a gunfight, then have a Paramedic show up, stabilize you and put you on a stretcher and drive you from the farm, all the way back to the hospital to revive you. It was cool to blur my vision as I'm being moved.
Watching coordination of the police as a fellow policeman, is a fun experience. Just listening as police cover eachother's backs, callout run away cars, deploy spikes on the road, it's just a fun team experience. I have yet to experience the crime side of things, but I watch some organized raids during key moments. For example some raids happen at banks during town hall invasions, seems that people are very coordinated in the larger scheme of things that I enjoy watching!
The community can be toxic at times, or maybe it's because I only play as a cop or bank security, but I think the amount of fun and value this server has makes putting up with it worth it!


Monolith Grinder
Oct 4, 2018


Years of Mono

I've been here for around 1.5 months, not so long if you ask me. But, I would like to thank the people who have made this server because I believe you have created a masterpiece. Not only that, this server also have an awesome community with very helpful staffs. I am thankful for them even though they aren't perfect. I understand that their job is very hard and I can see that they're trying their best. Let's not forget the mentors who always try to help new people in the server. I have asked some questions to them and they usually respond quickly. Lastly, I would like to thank @something for his help and guidance when I'm just starting out in the server.

Thank you everyone <3


Monolith Senior
Nov 19, 2018


Years of Mono

I am thankful to the Directors to even create such a beatiful Server and get original. This Server, it has reached so many people in such a short amount of time. I am thankful to somebody who introduced me here, but then never returned to the Game-Mode. I am having many laughs with the MRP Community and discussing future Updates. Even though I am new, I should be respected like all the other players on the Server. And you know what? They did! Not like other Servers where they call themself either racist terms or even threatening to DDoS for even raiding them. I am grateful to have such a Community on this Server. I like how Server Veterans or long time Players teach new Players on how to play this Game-Mode! I am thankful for the Staff Team to bring 24/7 help to the Server! Without them, the server would be going downhill. I am thankful for the original Ideas for events! Such as Crate drops! I am so thankful for being apart of this Community!

Thanks to everybody!

Jason Richards

Monolith Grinder
Aug 31, 2017


Years of Mono

The moments I appreciate most in this community are the moments where players that don't know each other and maybe never even talked to each other come together and have some fun, here are some examples:

(when proning was just introduced)

(I don't even remember how this happened)

(Lola was Always AFK in the same place and sometimes it created some quality r o l e p l a y)
*makes snake sounds*
remember when i was police with @Hazza i cuffed you and put you to the pd jails and i said that it was zoo? <3


Monolith Veteran
Jul 9, 2018


Years of Mono

Im thankful for the first person I ever met on Mono (forgot his name) he taught me everything that I know today and how to rp


Monolith Newcomer
Nov 21, 2018


Years of Mono

I've been on this server for a total of 4 days and already bought Premium. There is something about this server that I don't receive with other servers the jobs, the fun, and the staff. I love it all but I'm most Thankful for the Staff when your need they will be there and will solve the issue very quickly and stop someones wrongdoing. The friendliness I received after getting on this server from Aaron was the best thing I've ever experienced on a Gmod Server. If there was no staff on this server or updates constantly I really couldn't see myself playing on this server.


Monolith Veteran
Jun 26, 2017


Years of Mono

Well i’m thankful for this amazing community that i’ve almost been on for 2 years , i can hop onto everyday and have fun with my friends. Also thankful for them (my friends) and the admins who get no pay and no reward to come on the server and enforce the rules day and night!

also stinky lola @Lola Meid

A Sack O' Salt

Monolith Addict
Dec 10, 2017


Years of Mono

I would just like to say that I am beyond thankful for the place this community has in my heart. Sometimes life gets rough for me, and everyone for that matter, and this community always somehow cheers me up. I am thankful for the developers that are constantly working to make the community enjoyable and stable. I would also like to thank the player base that I’ve been in for around a year now and my position as a Mentor to assist other players. Overall I’d like to thank the whole community, just for being here and enjoying it with me. I would just like to say that I am beyond thankful for the place this community has in my heart. Sometimes life gets rough for me, and everyone for that matter, and this community always somehow cheers me up. I am thankful for the developers that are constantly working to make the community enjoyable and stable. I would also like to thank the player base that I’ve been in for around a year now and my position as a Mentor to assist other players. Overall I’d like to thank the whole community, just for being here and enjoying it with me. When I first joined the community here, I was a lone wolf, trying to make some money. I've been through so many frustrations and many times where I just figured I quit because it was so incredibly hard to make money without having friends. I met a couple of guys and we figured we'd start our own organization... That lasted about a week before it was disbanded and I stopped playing for a while. I came back to Monolith on January 1st, 2018. Ever since I joined back I felt remorseful for leaving the community and decided I try to start it up again. That's when I joined The Floridian's and met some extraordinary people. Since then I've applied for Staff, but have been declined many times. Until recently I was appointed to be a Mentor, so I figured if I can't prove my worth as a Staff Member with words, I would try with actions. Since then I have been recommended by @Aaronwho, by himself, is an amazing staff member and represents the Staff Teams dedication and devotion to the community. Since then I've joined multiple different organizations who held me under their wing and helped me climb up the rankings and make money. Basically, I'm thankful for everyone who I've ever even come in contact with.
@gm1003 - You are an amazing person who helps people out and has fun doing it. Although I was in your Organization I've never even seen you roleplay. It just seems like you're here as a support member half the time haha.
@Aaron - You've probably been the Staff member who's helped me on 7/10 of my reports, you're extremely dedicated to helping the community and spend heaps of time doing it. I thank you.
@Lola Meid - When I first even joined the community back in 2017, you were the first person I encountered, riding around a stupid tricycle. I applaud you for that.
@Gregg - I really do appreciate what you do for this community and appreciate the time you take to help others out. I know for a fact you aren't recognized for it enough.
@jose aceves - You and me, best pals a while ago. We tried to start our own organization and were soon shut down due to poverty. Since then I've seen you around the server and I thank you for helping me realize my worth in this community.
@The Whole Management Team - You guys devote lots of time implementing things and managing things for this community. I know it's business, but regardless it's damn near a perfect business you guys run here.
This community is the heart and sole of my time spent playing video games. And I thank you ALL for that.
It won't let me edit again for some reason, but I just wanted to say I love you all and I appreciate the time you guys spend to make this community what it is today.

Gabriel Mathews

Nov 5, 2018


Years of Mono

I would just like to say that I am beyond thankful for the place this community has in my heart. Sometimes life gets rough for me, and everyone for that matter, and this community always somehow cheers me up. I am thankful for the developers that are constantly working to make the community enjoyable and stable. I would also like to thank the player base that I’ve been in for around a year now and my position as a Mentor to assist other players. Overall I’d like to thank the whole community, just for being here and enjoying it with me. I would just like to say that I am beyond thankful for the place this community has in my heart. Sometimes life gets rough for me, and everyone for that matter, and this community always somehow cheers me up. I am thankful for the developers that are constantly working to make the community enjoyable and stable. I would also like to thank the player base that I’ve been in for around a year now and my position as a Mentor to assist other players. Overall I’d like to thank the whole community, just for being here and enjoying it with me. When I first joined the community here, I was a lone wolf, trying to make some money. I've been through so many frustrations and many times where I just figured I quit because it was so incredibly hard to make money without having friends. I met a couple of guys and we figured we'd start our own organization... That lasted about a week before it was disbanded and I stopped playing for a while. I came back to Monolith on January 1st, 2018. Ever since I joined back I felt remorseful for leaving the community and decided I try to start it up again. That's when I joined The Floridian's and met some extraordinary people. Since then I've applied for Staff, but have been declined many times. Until recently I was appointed to be a Mentor, so I figured if I can't prove my worth as a Staff Member with words, I would try with actions. Since then I have been recommended by @Aaronwho, by himself, is an amazing staff member and represents the Staff Teams dedication and devotion to the community. Since then I've joined multiple different organizations who held me under their wing and helped me climb up the rankings and make money. Basically, I'm thankful for everyone who I've ever even come in contact with.
@gm1003 - You are an amazing person who helps people out and has fun doing it. Although I was in your Organization I've never even seen you roleplay. It just seems like you're here as a support member half the time haha.
@Aaron - You've probably been the Staff member who's helped me on 7/10 of my reports, you're extremely dedicated to helping the community and spend heaps of time doing it. I thank you.
@Lola Meid - When I first even joined the community back in 2017, you were the first person I encountered, riding around a stupid tricycle. I applaud you for that.
@Gregg - I really do appreciate what you do for this community and appreciate the time you take to help others out. I know for a fact you aren't recognized for it enough.
@jose aceves - You and me, best pals a while ago. We tried to start our own organization and were soon shut down due to poverty. Since then I've seen you around the server and I thank you for helping me realize my worth in this community.
@The Whole Management Team - You guys devote lots of time implementing things and managing things for this community. I know it's business, but regardless it's damn near a perfect business you guys run here.
This community is the heart and sole of my time spent playing video games. And I thank you ALL for that.

You copied me hrmphhh


Monolith Veteran
May 7, 2018


Years of Mono

tbh the amount of time put into development and how well this community works with the server overall, like its perfect somehow


Jul 21, 2018


Years of Mono

In all honesty' I want to thank my friends' Enemies' And the staff as this roleplay experience wouldnt be available without a good running staff team' But on this server' Before i would simply hop on games' and have a select few people who i could actually share a laugh' I use to roleplay(Alot more then i want to admit) And when i saw monolith i honestly was shocked i never had seen it before' I hopped on and Experienced a crazy world full of Civilians' Cops and Huge organized groups having full scale wars and raiding each other' It was amazing and still to this day i have an utter blast when i play' Im very thankful for monolith allowing me to meet all these amazing mature people through good or bad. <3
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