• Looking for our server(s)? Go to our servers page after you've subscribed to our content pack. Hope you enjoy them!
  • You can purchase Premium Membership to enhance your game experience and support our community!
  • Meet other members and stay updated in our Discord and Steam Group. Find out how to get permissions on Discord here.
  • Are you interested in helping and being engaged in the community further? Apply for a Staff Position!

Monolith Servers

EVENT Race around Paralake

  • 434
  • 0


Event will start Today @ 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (https://a.chronus.eu/1ACDC0C),
Join us here

UPDATE Platform Update 2.4.0 - Release Changelog

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UPDATE 2.4.0

Not all changes have been documented. This update will be deployed to the US and Partner servers.

  • Implemented daily missions for Civilians, Police, and Fire/EMS jobs.
  • Introduced new quests for Security Guards.
  • Integrated dark mode into the Tweeter phone app.
  • Implemented robbable convenience stores into the game.
  • Introduced carriable briefcases for item storage.
  • Added a step in the tutorial quest to guide players on opening the quest menu.
  • Integrated an automatic content manager to help download missing addons.
  • Initiated a quest for metalworking using the mining furnace.
  • Reworked the prestige system into a new mastery system.
  • Added a job experience boost item.
  • Introduced a new feature to expand or collapse the mission HUD.
  • Integrated French localization for challenges and missions...

UPDATE Patch Update 2.3.4 - Release Changelog

  • 887
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UPDATE 2.3.4

Not all changes have been documented. This update will be deployed to the EU and Partner servers.

  • Added house alarm 911 upgrade.
  • Changed the server location to EU.
  • Changed the server map to Paralake.
  • Fixed ticketbook scaling issues.
  • Fixed issues with crownvic not spawning.
The update will be deployed on the next server restart, today.

UPDATE Patch Update 2.3.3 - Release Changelog

  • 855
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UPDATE 2.3.3

NOTE: Not all changes have been documented. This update will be deployed to the US and Partner servers.

  • Monophone Taxi app.
  • Reduced the cost of heist bags.
  • Increase chance of getting blueprint.
  • Add HK416, L85, M1 Grand, M1 Carbine, Molotovs to Cargo raid.
  • Diamonds can now be obtained from jewlery cabine.
  • Gun license test at license clerk replaces mayor approval system.
  • Increase keycard drop chance to 100%.
  • Unemployment paycheck.
  • Whitelist pine deputy job.
  • All job payouts were increased.
  • Detective car colours were changed.
  • Ticketbook scaling for certain resolution.
  • Audi R8 Spyder issue fix.
  • Tweeter text entry issues.

The update will be deployed on the next server restart, today.

EVENT Zombie Invasion Pt. 2

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Zombie Invasion Pt. 2​

The Zombies are back!! And they seem to have some new mutations! Come check out the New Zombie NPC's and come fight off waves of zombies and help the city of South Side! These new Foes are deadly and dangerous, some have new unique abilities so be on the lookout!

May 13th at 6:00 PM EST


EVENT Week of Events (April)

  • 450
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Russian Roulette​

You've gambled your money away, and your last resort is Russian Roulette,
so, you test your luck and hope for the best, will you be the last one standing to take home the prize?

April 25th at 7pm EST.

Demolition Derby​

Nothing like the sight of looking at big chunks of metal crashing into one another,
which you could be part of that! Coming soon to Southside! Do you think you can win?

April 26th at 7pm EST.


UPDATE Patch Update 2.3.2 - Release Changelog

  • 915
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UPDATE 2.3.2

Not all changes have been documented. This update will be deployed to the US and Partner servers.

  • Implemented an option to disable Tweeter sound notifications.
  • Chat Filter to Tweets.
  • Introduced Deputy Chief Police Job role.
  • Enabled trading of Santa Jordan's items.
  • Integrated Day/Night Cycle for enhanced gameplay experience.
  • Bodygroups now copy to ragdolls
  • Increased profitability of regular meth production.
  • Refined meth quality calculation formula.
  • Restored handcuff ban warning system.
  • Adjusted bucket crafting recipe, reducing required bars from 24 to 16.
  • Continuation of Vehicle Rework:
    • Ford Mustang GT 2018
    • Ford Mustang RTR 2018
    • Nissan Skyline R32 GTR Custom
    • Tesla Model X 2015
    • Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham 1985
    • Ford Bronco 1982 Police...

GUIDE How to Cook Meth 101

  • 3,156
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Meth is the most risky, flexible, and profitable drug on Monolith, and it requires more than one person to do it efficiently.

Disclaimer: This is not an in-depth guide on how to cook meth with maximum efficiency; rather, it is a foundation from which you can explore to find the most efficient ways to cook meth.


1. 99 chemistry or Prestige level 1

Machines and ingredients:


How to obtain Aluminium Buckets[IMG...

UPDATE Patch Update 2.3.1 - Release Changelog

  • 863
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UPDATE 2.3.1

Not all changes have been documented. This update will be deployed to the US and Partner servers.

  • Added Mustang GT and GT RTR vehicles.
  • Added a panic button keybind setting.
  • Added the ability to change colors of unmarked police vehicles.
  • Added tweet alerts in the bottom right.
  • Added a setting to disable tweet alerts.
  • Added a phone top right notification sound.
  • Added a tweet tag system for New Players and Slavko.
  • Expanded the availability of premium lockers throughout the game's map.
  • Increased player experience (XP) for various jobs.
  • Integrated Tweeter tags for enhanced social media functionality.
  • Introduced new vehicle models, the Mustang GT and GT RTR.
  • Overhauled vehicle handling mechanics for improved gameplay.
  • Made changes to the economy of meth...

INFO Monolith Anniversary Newsletter (07/04/23)

  • 1,645
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Hello everyone,

Today marks our sixth anniversary as a community, since the very first launch of Monolith, back in 2017! This has been a fantastic journey, filled with incredible memories, moments and achievements that I am sure we will never forget. Lots of people have contributed and still actively contribute to this project and it wouldn't have been possible without them. We will get there shortly...

I joined this community before it even launched, like many others who are still here. To be honest with you, I had no idea to expect, as it was my first time being part of such a large and ambitious project. When I was invited to be part of the staff team as an administrator at the time, I was excited that I would be able to ensure everyone was having a good and fun experience in game and contribute to the development and growth of...

EVENT Monolith Boxing Tournament

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Monolith boxing Tournament

The rules are simple, each fighter will fight up to 3 rounds. The first fighter to win 2 rounds will be the winner. The main event will be a bit different. Whoever wins 3/5 rounds will be our Monolith heavyweight champion!

Prize pool:
1st place:100,000
2nd Place 70,000
3rd Place 50,000

If you wish to sign up, comment your In-game name and steamID and we will add you to the bracket. The last day to sign up will be Wednesday 3/29/23 and then we will release the tournament bracket on Thursday 3/30/23 so you can see who your opponent will be. The fights will take place on Saturday 4/1/23 at 6:00PM EST

See you there...

INFO Suggest an Event!

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Hello fellow Monolith Players,

Currently I'm looking to see what kind of events you want to do, I know that TDM is a favorite for most, and people have been suggesting the Purge lately as well, but I want to see what ideas of events you think would be great or like to see, suggest your event below and we'll look into it.

Give us a name for the event, tell us what the event is about, how many people do you think it should take to do the event, give us as much detail if you can about it, if it's an event based off something for example Squid Game's Red Light, Green Light, if you can provide video about it, that'd be great as well.

EVENT The Purge

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This is not a test.

This is your emergency broadcast system announcing the commencement of the Annual Purge sanctioned by the Monolith Government. Weapons of class 4 and lower have been authorized for use during the Purge. All other weapons are restricted. Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity from the Purge and shall not be harmed. Commencing at the siren, any and all crime, including murder, will be legal for 1 continuous hour. Police, fire, and emergency medical services will be unavailable until The Purge concludes.

May God be with...

UPDATE Patch Update 2.2.5 - Release Changelog

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UPDATE 2.2.5

Not all changes have been documented. This update will be deployed to the US and Partner servers.

  • Buffed Dark Web XP for all contracts;
  • Buffed Dark Web loot and add new items (some exotics);
  • Increased Dark Web camera's regeneration time;
  • Gave AR15 to Department of Corrections Officers;
  • Changed security guard recruiter name (Bank of Rockford -> Bank of Monoford);
  • Reduced the number of Police Officers required to start any heist.
  • Fixed Profanity filter banning incorrect words (or most of them);
  • Fixed ATM not being deployable anymore;
  • Fixed dirty money not being sold anymore;
  • Fixed players being charged for ADs while dead;
  • Fixed Signs not working properly;
  • Fixed being unable to search toilets in PD if no Department of Corrections Officers are online;
  • Fixed...

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Tyler wrote on Farmer Joe's profile.
who let u be an admin bro
Rest In Peace Mono and Gmod. This was the last server I actually enjoyed left on gmod, After putting hundreds of character levels and years of work into this server it is both sad and relieving to say goodbye to garrysmod after starting in 2013 and ending on this day with 6445 hours of gameplay logged. Good day fellow gamers
when we playin mono