Search results

  1. Rommel

    connectivity issue

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you.
  2. Rommel

    Refund Request

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you.
  3. Rommel

    Server Crash loss on 2/3/19 @ 3:57PM

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you. Note: You will only be...
  4. Rommel

    Refund request

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you.
  5. Rommel

    LorD's refund request

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you.
  6. Rommel


    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you.
  7. Rommel

    refund request

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you.
  8. Rommel

    Lost my stuff due to a server crash

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you.
  9. Rommel

    lost acr due to minge grab

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you. In the future you need to...
  10. Rommel

    Thug Holiday - 2/1/9

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you.
  11. Rommel

    Refund request

    @gm1003 @PMX Can you both confirm and give your insight on this situation please.
  12. Rommel

    Refund Request

    Your refund request has been denied. Reason: Your refund request does not meet the guidelines set within our refund request guidelines. In your video from your point of view you definitely shot him a few times, however that is not proof to say that he was cheating or that a rulebreak occurred...
  13. Rommel

    Refund reqeust

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you.
  14. Rommel

    Refund Request

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you. Note: You will only...
  15. Rommel

    refund request

    @Tristan Can you confirm the situation and the items please, if possible.
  16. Rommel

    VDM case

    @gm1003 He had a report open regarding this where he wanted to post a report and needed the info of the person who hit him, so that is correct. The person who most recently hit him with a vehicle and damaged him log wise was also SuperiorLadd according to the logs, and I assume the kill log...
  17. Rommel


    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you.
  18. Rommel

    Eldar's Refund Request

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you.
  19. Rommel

    Refund Request - Jack Clean

    Your refund request has been denied. Reason: Your refund request does not meet the requirements set in our refund request guidelines. In order for items to be eligible to be refunded proof of them must be provided in some way or form. There must also be proof or confirmation of a rule-break...
  20. Rommel

    timmys refund request

    Your refund request has been accepted. When you are next online, please go to the 'Refund Request' NPC located in the bank to collect your refund. If you find any issues, please contact me, a Server Director or a member of the Community Management team to assist you.