Search results

  1. Koofis

    The Bendetti Family

    Character Name: Chris Koofis Net worth Proof: I have a car worth 100k, 100k in the bank, 10 lr300s, and 4 factory crushers What you have to offer to the organization: I can craft guns, click on heads, and sing like a mofo.
  2. Koofis

    Tristan Staff report

    Your Steam Name:Ocean Man Your Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:41838761 Your Character Name (If Applicable):Chris Koofis Admin being reported: (Tag by writing @ before their forum name) @Tristan Reason for Report: Tristan initiated a private discord conversation with myself writing that I was being...
  3. Koofis

    Ocean mans ban appeal

    Your Steam Name:Ocean man Your Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:41838761 Your Character Name:Chris koofis Ban Length:7 days Banning Staff Member (@AdminName to mention the staff member): @Tristan Ban Reason: Staff disrespect Unban Reason: Tristan wanted to write a paragraph about how I was wrong and he...
  4. Koofis

    Refund got messed up

    In-Game Name: Chris Koofis Steam Name: Ocean Man SteamID:STEAM_0:0:41838761 Date and time of loss: 4PM PST 2/26/19 What happened:I was issued a refund but I didn't get my fridge. a log and a rock were placed in the refund?
  5. Koofis

    Server crash refund request

    Updated the post with my steam id
  6. Koofis

    Server crash refund request

    Format: In-Game Name: Chris Koofis Steam Name: Ocean Man SteamID:STEAM_0:0:41838761 Date and time of loss: 4PM PST 2/26/19 What happened:server crashed What do you need refunded: minifridge, a stack of apples or 8 seeds(for the trees that were nearly finished), and a workbench all are seen...
  7. Koofis


    Your Steam Name: Ocean Man Your Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:41838761 Your Character Name: chris koofis Target Steam Name: idk Target SteamID: idk Target Character Name (if known):Gr52ve Request reason: raiding multiple apartments before raid timer expires, if possible check logs for lockpick / kills...
  8. Koofis

    The Wire [RECRUITING]

    In Game Name:Chris Koofis Previous Organizations: none Why Should We Pick You Over Others: I'm not 12 and I have decent stats (can do lsd) Talents: decent shot, better driver Who Referred You (if any):
  9. Koofis

    Polarïs Brotherhood

    In-game name: Chris Koofis Bank Account (screenshots) Player Skills (screenshots) Why do you wish to join: I'm looking into playing with others more now that I've got some decent stats for money making. Hoping to get my bank account more stacked so i...
  10. Koofis

    Tylas Staff Report

    Your Steam Name:Ocean Man Your Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:41838761 Your Character Name (If Applicable): Admin being reported: (Tag by writing @ before their forum name) @Tyla Reason for Report: Being a negligent staff member / not helping. I was asking for help with an officer giving a false ticket...