Search results

  1. thtgeekydude

    Lost items due to restart and Report being lost

    It could of if the admin had showed up sooner or later, I can give you about five people who can say what happened, the server restarted which i would of just said see damage logs because it was one cop vs Five. We would of killed him if we had guns out at the time, La familia family was raiding...
  2. thtgeekydude

    Lost items due to restart and Report being lost

    Format: In-Game Name:Casey smith Steam Name:thtgeekydude SteamID:76561198253930313 Date and time of loss:5:00ish 7/25/2018 before restart What happened:We were being raided, We killed them. A Sergent or some police officer ran in as i was running in and i told him they were raiding my house...