Search results

  1. Tyler

    [Refund Request] A successful raid

    As discussed with @Darudee this will be on hold until he talks with @Broheim.
  2. Tyler

    Un Ban appeal/unblacklist appeal

    Warning point bans can not be appealed. Denied.
  3. Tyler


    Provide evidence or this will just end up being denied.
  4. Tyler


  5. Tyler

    Anniversary Newsletter 04.2018

    I joined the forum April 9th 2017, can I be considered a veteran??
  6. Tyler

    Anniversary Newsletter 04.2018

    Easter was on the 1st tho
  7. Tyler

    DO your warning points get cleared when you get too many warns and get banned

    Nah the real question is how do you get that many warning points?
  8. Tyler

    DO your warning points get cleared when you get too many warns and get banned

    But you wouldn't have gotten banned either way if you didn't get 8 warning points then another. Like how do you even get that much?!?!
  9. Tyler

    DO your warning points get cleared when you get too many warns and get banned

    I have a solution to your problem. Don't break rules! It is proven that not breaking rules on the server results in no punishments being given. Crazy right?!
  10. Tyler

    thx cheese man

    thx cheese man
  11. Tyler

    Refund Request

    Go to Rockford Customs and purchase the Stock Engine for $0 and it will refund you automatically for your engine upgrade.
  12. Tyler


  13. Tyler

    Mugging Gone Wrong!

    Unfortunately your refund request does not meet the criteria below therefore is declined. Your refund of $2,200 is less than the minimum of $2,500.
  14. Tyler

    Interference after Combat

    Closed & Moved to declined as it's been resolved.
  15. Tyler

    thank u

    thank u
  16. Tyler

    my titanium

    my titanium
  17. Tyler

    RiziingYT's Cadet Appeal

    Yea Sure I Will Unblacklist You When I Go On The Server. Make sure not to AFK while you are on a job (or at all) in the future.
  18. Tyler

    RiziingYT's Cadet Appeal

    I blacklisted you because I found you in the jail cells AFK in a cell repeatedly swinging your baton with +attack on assumingly. You failed to respond when I tried multiple times to get your attention. You also knocked out the guy in that cell multiple times according to logs and most likely for...
  19. Tyler

    Refund Request

    Okay if @DevulTj can confirm, I'll refund you the items you mentioned.