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  1. IKia

    Ore Selling!

    Dayumm, Imma need help on this lmao. As long as my workers help We should be able to get this order done! EDIT: It will take atleast a couple hours or a day at max to get all that, As there is only two of us, Is that okay?
  2. IKia

    Ore Selling!

    Thanks, it is currently going really slow Due to My workers being lazy (making me do it all).
  3. IKia

    Ore Selling!

    We had orders to do before this, So It will be in progress now.
  4. IKia

    To become staff? If so Cool Dude!

    To become staff? If so Cool Dude!
  5. IKia

    Ore Selling!

    As We Just Completed it, You have to realise it is only me most of the time doing these orders, meaning im mining 20 stack etc per order sometimes. It is hard and will take a while, And It ls also hard to keep track.
  6. IKia

    Ore Selling!

    Its done but okay!
  7. IKia

    Ore Selling!

    On Hold Will work on your order later!
  8. IKia

    Ore Selling!

    Sorry, When It was done (and you was online) I had to go for a day. But it is done now for sure
  9. IKia

    if u shitpost one more time you will be my next player report, dont test me

    if u shitpost one more time you will be my next player report, dont test me
  10. IKia

    Ore Selling!

    Complete Imsg me in game!
  11. IKia

    Ore Selling!

    On Hold: We Will Work On your Order Later! Price: 8k
  12. IKia

    Ore Selling!

    Sorry It is taking so Long, We had to work on the large order from ice that is now completed! Order Status: OPEN
  13. IKia

    TRF Gun Trade - Buy Weapons

    Name: Lia Barnes Weapons being ordered: 1x Honey Badger Reason for order: Kill.
  14. IKia

    Loads of orgs.

    Loads of orgs.
  15. IKia

    Ore Selling!

    As I could not give you it then, But can now. Imsg me.
  16. IKia

    Ore Selling!

    Complete! Price: 2k Imsg me in game for your order!
  17. IKia

    Ore Selling!

    I must have got confused with other orders, And was 2 am at the time. Thanks!
  18. IKia

    Ore Selling!

    Cancelled by Buyer
  19. IKia

    Ore Selling!

    In progress: Thanks for placing an Order! We Will Be working on this Later on.
  20. IKia

    Ore Selling!
