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  1. #SkengMan

    Report - Case handled unfairly

    Ok I understand that they killed the right person, but the key point that I do not understand is where from that footage did they roleplay to identify me? I have already said they didn't even look at me from a face view (as you can see from the video), nor did they have my name? So in what...
  2. #SkengMan

    Report - Case handled unfairly

    Hi @Tru In regards to the raiding, it was my first time doing this, hence why I went through 1 door on each property. I apologies that this is breaking the raiding rules, and luckily enough I didn't damage anyone's experience as no one was living in the properties. In a way this furthermore...
  3. #SkengMan

    Report - Case handled unfairly

    Your Steam Name: #SkengMan Your Steam ID: https:/ Your Character Name (If Applicable): Tony Montana Admin being reported( Tag by writing @ before their forum name) @Tru Reason for Report: Dealt with an RDM / FailRP case unfairly. The footage you...