In game Name: Dillon Hoang
Steam name or Discord: Asiandiskool
Organization: Playboyz
Date/Times available for pickup: Anytime after 5pm EST Weekdays, All day weekends
Gun order: N/A
Ammo order: N/A
Attachment order: N/A
Equipment order: 10 Gas Mask Filters
Special Deal order:
Cost: 17.5k+2.5k...
What are you talking about? You didn't want to pay for your M4s when i met you at the bank today because you said there was a new gun store selling M4s for cheaper (which none are. all are selling it for 23k) resulting in your blacklist.
I'm literally reading this gun store and i'm like "this sounds exactly like my gun store" then i see in the bottom right "inspired by Asiandiskool"
lmao hope the business does great! Good luck! :)
I'll never forget you raiding me three times at Parker C5 and you breaking the raid timer the 3rd raid. That led to me selling you guys weapons and then jump starting my gun making career. Honestly one of the weirdest, but best moments of my Monolith experience. Hope to see you around again one day.
With all orders complete and the rest on hold, Wednesday is when I will return again. You can still place an order and Miners: @Nugget @Ace Carter @ExtraChromosome 47 @FancyVancy @ProJurka @pordest @Brents if you wish to take a job on hold currently, feel free to do so. See you all in a week!
Roleplay Name: Dillon Hoang
Org (if you are in one): Playboyz
Steam Name: Asiandiskool
Discord Name: The Negotiator (Asiandiskool)#0180
Timezone: EST
Order: 3 stacks of cakes
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