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  1. W


    Bro you fucked up just admit it was a gtr and stop capping ole son
  2. W

    The count to 1 Million!

  3. W


    you pullin shit out your ass it was a gtr
  4. W


    Im 100% sure it was the gtr since we heard you scoping out our base and than i heard that they hopped the fence and i went over to see where and i saw you or your friend with pistol and i died to it and cops came afterwards and i have yet to see if just the gtr will be tall enough to hop the fence
  5. W

    Multiplayer Report | Tyler Gard Acting OUT OF LINE as Police CHIEF

    No shit cause to 80% of the players you're a walking meme And you said that 3 replies ago
  6. W

    Multiplayer Report | Tyler Gard Acting OUT OF LINE as Police CHIEF

    And also phase boot when you make yourself known for making prs normal players would just laugh at you should not wonder why people are more “toxic” to you its funny to them to think how someone can be so offended and triggered at a simple insult if this is how the community played the player...
  7. W

    Multiplayer Report | Tyler Gard Acting OUT OF LINE as Police CHIEF

    but also the numerous character breaks really broke my immersion from this scenario like you ruined the fun for numerous other and it's really unappreciated
  8. W

    Multiplayer Report | Tyler Gard Acting OUT OF LINE as Police CHIEF

    hey phase boot evhn is not shark ravioli
  9. W


    ye he logged off as a joke and we put zips on him and the mug was all in jokes so the ban should be removed since we all love jamal and jamal loves everyone since jamal is awesome and jamal thinks everyone else is awesome and jamal is amazing and jamal thinks everyone else is amazing
  10. W

    RDMed and Tires Destroyed For No Reason As Mayor

    still combat log thats why forums exist
  11. W

    RDMed and Tires Destroyed For No Reason As Mayor

    you walked up to use said "I have your steam id you're being reported" which is breaking nlr and character than we pulled out our guns since we thought you might've been a detective and you logged
  12. W

    RDMed and Tires Destroyed For No Reason As Mayor

    You also combat logged when there was a gun pointed at you but thats besides the point
  13. W


    nah bruh it was a gtr the owner showed up and took his car back after you or your friend stole it
  14. W


    R35, Ill get on and test it later to see if you could climb with just that but the bag of Doritos were placed by you or your friend to climb into the base
  15. W


    Cause you cant climb that fence with just the gtr
  16. W

    Berry gundersman

    Berry gundersman
  17. W


    In-Game Name: Shark Ravioli Steam Name: Weedle SteamID: 76561198206390059 Date and time of loss (specify the timezone): months ago What happened: This guy was banned for cheating/alting and @Cecil Blake told me to make a refund request for all these items that I lost, while in a shootout with...
  18. W


    Good luck from GDK
  19. W


    Good luck from GDK
  20. W


    Your Steam Name: Weedle Your SteamID: 76561198206390059 Your Character Name: Shark ravioli Which Staff blacklisted you: idk What were you blacklisted from: ooc Blacklist Length: idk Blacklist Reason: idk Unblacklist Reason: i want ooc back Time of Occurrence: unknowm Additional members...