You were reported for combat logging and when I checked logs you were in a firefight shortly before disconnecting. However it is possible I may have missed something. I will give you the benefit of the doubt this time and accept this appeal.
You were reported by @Tyler for leaving to avoid death timer, when I checked logs it had said you had disconnected around a minute after you died. I want to see what Tyler has to say before I make my decision.
I’ve had this happen before it’s pretty rare but, sucks when it happens. If you have screenshots proving your previous level you can get them refunded by making a post in the refund request section.
Can confirm. He was VDMed, however I was not able to find his Five Seven. (Screenshot is logs of him equipping it and then dying)
Okay, so in the end it appears you did VDM and attempt to RDM, however I'll reverse the decision on the LTAP since you claimed you had a call. Since you have served 2 days on your ban I will unban you. Accepted
I see, this might make sense because when we got to you, you were unresponsive so you were probably leaving at that time anyway. I'll most likely unban you, but I want to see what happened in shawntae's situation.
So this is what happened, me and @Shawntae responded to 2 different reports the one I took was about a VDM and the one shawntae took was about a guy getting randomly shot at. When I teleported to you shawntae was there too, and we were about to talk to you about the situation but you left the...
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