@Dirty Harry
Due to my monitor freezing or i believe it is actaully my pc, and if i were to hard reset it sometimes it would corrupt my bios and i would have to take out the circle chip to completely restart my bios,which is a very lengthy process, how could i have been avoiding the afk timer...
Your Steam Name:Kyrie
Your Steam ID:76561198133843064
Your Character Name:Kyrie James
Ban Length:2 days
Banning Staff Member: @Thy
Ban Reason:Avoiding afk kicker
Time of Occurrence:dont have today i guess
Relevant Evidence:
I dont know how i could have been avoiding a kick as i recall before...
In-Game name:Kyrie James
Steam name:Deku
Steam ID:76561198133843064
Date and time of loss:12pm-2am
What happened:lost 60 lsd and a min fridge (@OTXKU )
How much do you need refunded:lost 60 lsd and a min fridge
Steam name (current and previous):Deku
RP name (current and previous):Kyrie James,Drake Vert
Organization memberships (current and previous):Outlaw
Which do you prefer doing; raiding or defending?:raiding
Are you willing to put in work to supply fellow crew members materials, should they ask it...
Your Steam Name:Deku
Your Steam ID:76561198133843064
Your Character Name :Kyrie James
Ban Length:2 days (was told i would only receive warning points)
Banning Staff Member @Wyn
Ban Reason:ERP
Time of Occurrence:Today
Relevant Evidence:
So i was told i would be promised only warning points...
Your Steam Name:Deku
Your Steam ID:76561198133843064
Your Character Name :Kyrie James
Ban Length:2 days (was told i would only receive warning points)
Banning Staff Member @Wyn
Ban Reason:ERP
Time of Occurrence:Today
Relevant Evidence:
So i was told i would be promised only warning points...
Your Steam Name:Kyrie
Your Steam ID:76561198133843064
Your Character Name:Kyrie James
Ban Length:7 days/Week
Banning Staff Member: @Kweezeee
Ban Reason:LTAP
Time of Occurrence:Today
Relevant Evidence:
but 7 days why so lenghty i think the punishment for disconnecting in a 5 min jail...
Your Steam Name:Kyrie
Your Steam ID:76561198133843064
Your Character Name:Kyrie James
Ban Length:4 days
Banning Staff Member: @OTKXU
Ban Reason:LTARP?
Time of Occurrence:Believe it was today (as i wasent in the server when it occured)
Relevant Evidence:So dont know why i got banned besides...
In-Game name:Kyrie James
Steam name:Kyrie
Steam ID:76561198133843064
Date and time of loss:around 12:04 pm
What happened:mini fridge glitched
How much do you need refunded:fridge
@Smalley @CloutMonster I understand why he was banned for racism but he had no issue beforehand until the 2 others ppl (who had recorded the video) which was clearly fail driving and nearly vdmed him instead ramming his tables as he was clearly in the menu of crafting.In the scenario they were...
@Wyn and as i said before i was trying to get the other guy to stop for questioning but he kept running then dced to get away from me? so i wouldnt have been able to see it in my chat as i was too far away
No i do not but i don not type i use a mic and i dont know why the would be calling for help if were just going to be questioned pretty sure he just killed himself to be free
@Wyn No sir i do not recall anything of the sort which happened,why would i do such a thing that would get me demoted or even blacklisted?Sorry for the inconvienance but this clearly was not me i have been falsely accused Sir.As well as sorry because i dont recall you tping me to you but i dced...
Your Steam Name:Boruto
Your Steam ID:76561198133843064
Your Character Name:Dez Xalted
Ban Length:1 day
Banning Staff Member @Wyn
Ban Reason:RDM?
Time of Occurrence:Yesterday i guess
Relevant Evidence:
So i guess i was banned for RDM as it states that on the ban but how was this me or how was i...
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